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Theater der Uni Kassel: "RADICALS OF ALL COUNTRIES - UNITE EUCH ! A political satire from the end of the world".

Every year the THEATER DER UNIVERSITÄT KASSEL / ThUK brings the result of its two-semester rehearsal work to the public.


A political satire vo(r)m the end of the world

You are invited to a mysterious gathering: radicals of different origins, but with the most resolute convictions and goals, argue about the best way to save the world and humanity from its imminent demise. Don't you sometimes feel the desire to be able to escape from the big and small uncertainties and risks that are presently surrounding all of us, through radical solutions? - Perhaps you will allow yourself to be seduced in such a meeting for some time?  The meeting is opened ... But please, no violence.


  • June 16, 2018; Start: 19:30      
  • June 19, 2018; Start: 19:30      
  • 20 June 2018; Start: 19:30      
  • June 21, 2018; Start: 20:30 (!)      
  • June 24, 2018; Start: 19:30

Tickets: 12 euros / 6 euros Ticket phone: 0561.787 20 67 Kulturhaus der Stadt Kassel Dock 4, Studiobühne Deck

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