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"Fail Night" in the Science Park

FAIL NIGHT will take place on Tuesday, November 6 at 5 p.m. in the Science Park Kassel:
Because not everything always runs smoothly and not every project is a success. Every successful entrepreneur is familiar with business failures. Whether it's because the customer was overlooked in the planning, laws and regulations make it difficult to access the market or the strategic direction was not right.

On Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 5 p.m., three speakers will present such projects:

-     Raphael Schönweitz founded the company "RSO Shift" (backpack donation) with two co-founders to develop and distribute a  portable solar-powered sterilizer. After four years, the founders gave up the company.

-     After a successful crowdfunding campaign, student Helen Neuwirth opened the first UNVERPACKT store in Kassel. She closed the "Butterblume" again in September.

-     Benjamin Pfitzner founded a start-up that aimed to translate complex texts, such as package inserts or instructions, into cinematic instructions without any loss of information. Despite successfully implementing many projects, he gave up the project.

What have the three speakers learned from their FAIL  and what can we learn from it? What advice do the three founders have for other founders? What would they do differently today?

FAIL NIGHT will be moderated by Gabriele Hennemuth, start-up consultant at the University of Kassel.
The event is taking place for the 4th time as part of FIRST TUESDAY in the IdeaLab of the Science Park.

Please register at info[at]sciencepark-kassel[dot]de