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11/02/2018 | Berichte aus den Bereichen

Cooperation with Georgia - "Sustainable agricultural and food systems".

Since 2002, the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences of the University of Kassel and the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences of the University of Tbilisi in Georgia (AUG) have been working together to explore and improve scientific research, practical application of knowledge on the diversity of regional foods, organic agriculture and nature conservation.

Within the framework of this bilateral research partnership and the partnership agreement between the two universities, there are successful research projects, study programs and exchange activities. Since 2017, both faculties have been working in a structured graduate program entitled "Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems (SAFS) Structured Graduate Program ". In particular, this program aims to strengthen the engagement of young people in research in the South Caucasus region and based on international standards. Within the framework of this program, a total of eleven PhD students will be supported scientifically and financially for 3-4 years. Within the framework of the dissertations, interdisciplinary supervision is ensured by professors from both faculties. The research project in Tbilisi is headed by Prof. Dr. Teo Urushadze, at the University of Kassel, FB 11 by Prof. Dr. Angelika Ploeger. Dr. Sisira Withanachchi is entrusted with coordination tasks in the project and helps the PhD students to discuss their results and publish them in scientific journals. Both the Volkswagen Foundation and the Rustaveli Foundation in Georgia are funding this joint project until the end of January 2022.

The inauguration ceremony of the SAFS project will take place on November 1, 2018 at the Agricultural University of Georgia (Tbilisi). Participants will include the Georgian Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and other national as well as international scientists. The international delegation to the event includes Prof. Dr. Harmut Vogtmann, Honorary President of IFOAM and former President of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Dr. Olcay Ünver, UN Water Vice-President and Director of the FAO Land and Water Division, the Dean of the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences of the University of Kassel Prof. Dr. G. Backes and Mrs. Nino Zambakhidze, President of the Georgian Organic Farmers Association.