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Panel Discussion: "3rd Gender Entry".

Following the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court that a third positive gender entry must be created, the Bundestag passed a reform of the Civil Status Act in December 2018 that introduces a third option in gender entry. This created legal recognition of the fact that there are more than two genders. This represents an important step for visibility and legal equality for individuals who do not identify as either "male" or "female." At the same time, the new regulation is criticized with regard to the fact that many people are excluded and issues concerning the self-determined determination of gender identity and bodily integrity are left out.

After the two lectures by Prof. Dr. Christof Rolker (Univ. Bamberg) and by Dipl.-Psych. René_ Hornstein (AG trans*emanzipatorische Hochschulpolitik), the panel discussion will be dedicated to the current new regulation on the 3rd gender entry in order to discuss challenges for the university and its equality efforts.

The event room is wheelchair accessible and will be held in German spoken language.

Organizers: IAG Women's and Gender Studies, and departments "Sociology of Diversity" and "Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems".

Venue: Arnold-Bode-Str. 2, Room 0401

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