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Climate protection: University of Kassel receives funding for energy concepts

Press release from 22.02.2019: Aging existing university buildings are not very energy-efficient and therefore contribute significantly to the state administration's greenhouse gas emissions. The University of Kassel is now receiving 1.8 million euros from the Hessian Ministry of Science for the implementation of five energy projects, making it the most successful university in the Hesse-wide program. With the funding, the University of Kassel will drive forward projects that make ecological as well as economic sense. This brings it a step closer to its goal of becoming a comprehensively sustainable university.

Image: Andreas Fischer.

"With this support, the University of Kassel can strategically drive forward the energy-efficient development of its buildings and facilities. Energy consumption will be reduced in the long term and the environment will be relieved as a result," affirms Chancellor Dr. Oliver Fromm.the Hessian state government is pursuing the goal of being a "CO2-neutral state administration" by 2030.

In detail, the following five projects will be implemented:

  • Intracting: The term intracting refers to a modern financing instrument in which energy efficiency gains - for example through self-generated solar power or energy-saving measures - are available for further investments. The concept is being tested in Kassel for the first time at a university in Germany. This research project is being led by the Department of Technical Building Services.
  • TheCO2-optimized campus project stands for sustainable and modern energy management at the University of Kassel. The university's own buildings are being examined for energy weaknesses and renovation measures are being developed. The second sub-project involves the installation of a modern metering infrastructure, which will make it possible to centrally evaluate data on heat, electricity and water consumption.
  • The funding will also be used to introduce a sustainability management system that initiates and networks projects to increase operational sustainability, determines key figures and documents them transparently in the university's sustainability report.
  • Another project is investigating the heat supply for the buildings on the Holländischer Platz campus. The local heating network there no longer meets today's efficiency requirements. A plan is now being developed to replace it, including the use of renewable energy sources and modern storage technologies.
  • The cooling network project is pursuing a similar objective. The energy-intensive generation of cooling for process cooling and air conditioning is being fundamentally restructured. This is currently organized decentrally and on a building-by-building basis in the properties of the University of Kassel. In order to achieve the most economical and energy-efficient cooling possible, e.g. in laboratories, the requirements of the entire campus are taken into account.

"As different as the individual projects are, they are part of an overarching strategy of the University of Kassel," explains Chancellor Fromm. "All concepts aim to promote climate protection from an economic point of view."


Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communications, Press and Public Relations
Tel: +49 561 804-1961
Email: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de