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Circular economy: University of Kassel involved in Europe-wide research project
"With ReTraCe, we want to promote the transition from a so-called linear economy to a sustainable circular economy," says Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring, Head of the Department of Supply Chain Management at the University of Kassel. In contrast to a traditional linear economy, in which resources are "disposed of" after processing and use, products and materials are recovered and recycled after use in a circular economy. From this perspective, waste becomes raw materials. The research project "Realizing the Transition to the Circular Economy (ReTraCE)" aims to gain insights into how the transition to such a circular economy can be realized - both within existing organizations and industries as well as through innovative and sustainable business models.
ReTraCE is funded under the EU Horizon 2020 line. The 4 million euro project is being led by the University of Sheffield (UK). Around 475,000 euros and two of the 15 doctoral positions for young scientists will go to Kassel. The doctoral students will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring and Dr. Philipp Sauer. Prof. Dr. Marcus Brandenburg, who is now conducting research at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, is also involved in the supervision.
The Kassel scientists' sub-project is primarily concerned with decision support tools within supply chains; their performance is to be measured according to ecological, social and economic aspects. In addition, risks and barriers to the implementation of circular supply chains will be discussed as part of this sub-project. The potential for cooperation between partners along the value chain will be examined at both a technological and planning level.
In addition to the University of Kassel, universities from the UK, Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands as well as research institutes from Belgium and Greece are involved in the project. Various companies, including SMA and Bosch, are also involved as cooperation partners.
Further information:
Dr. Philipp Sauer
University of Kassel
Department of Supply Chain Management
Phone: +49 561 804 7197
E-mail: philipp.sauer[at]uni-kassel[dot]de