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Lecture: "Enkeltauglich wirtschaften. How Companies with a Common Good Economy Succeed."

 Lecture with Christian Felber and Christian Herzig

What does it take to ensure a good life for all and for future generations? In addition to politics, science and civil society, companies also have a responsibility. What can they contribute?

The "Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie" (GWÖ) is an alternative economic model that is increasingly being advocated by scientists from all over the world. As a further development of the social market economy, the GWÖ offers the chance to avoid the negative excesses of our current economic system.

We are very pleased to have Christian Felber, the initiator of the GWÖ, as our guest in person. In a descriptive lecture he will explain the basics of GWÖ and present the core of GWÖ, the common good balance.

In addition, Christian Herzig from the University of Kassel will report from his new study on German organic pioneers on the topic of "Value-oriented corporate management in transition". He will also provide insight into a current service learning seminar at the University of Kassel, in which students support regional companies in the preparation of common good balance sheets. It is being conducted in cooperation with the GWÖ regional group Kassel, which was founded in 2018 and will also highlight opportunities for further cooperation at the event.

The event will conclude with a practical presentation by cibaria from Münster, an organic bakery with 45 employees. Sales manager Stefanie Nagel reports on her experiences with GWÖ accounting, which was also developed in cooperation with students and a regional GWÖ group.

Mag. Christian Felber (Vienna) is a book author, university lecturer and freelance dancer. He is the initiator of the Bank for the Common Good project and the Common Good Economy. Several bestsellers, most recently "Ethical World Trade" and "The Common Good Economy". "Money. The New Rules of the Game" was awarded Business Book of the Year 2014, and "The Common Good Economy" was awarded the ZEIT-Wissen Prize in 2017.

Prof. Dr. Christian Herzig (University of Kassel) researches and teaches on issues of sustainable economics, focusing on the agricultural and food industry for the past five years. His work on sustainability management, especially reporting and accounting, is based on twenty years of research and teaching experience, most recently as Professor of Business & Society at Nottingham Trent University, UK.

An event in the series "University and Society in Dialog" of the Universitätsgesellschaft Kassel e.V. in cooperation with UniKasselTransfer, Science Park and UNIKIMS. Admission is free.

Registration requested by May 14 at

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