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Lecture: "Chavism in Venezuela: From Star of the Left Turn to Fuel of Right-Wing Electoral Success in Latin America?"
Speaker: Stefan Peters (Giessen/Bogotá)
Lecture in the framework of the lecture series "Rechtswende in Lateinamerika", organized by CELA (Centro de estudios latinoamericanos).
Info on the lecture series:
Recent electoral victories by the political right in various Latin American countries have heralded a change in political direction in South America. With the coming into office of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, who is considered by many to be a right-wing populist and radical, this political trend is intensifying in a disturbing way.
The planned lecture series will refer to these current events, but also to historical backgrounds, because in addition to analyses from political science, historical contributions on the traditions of right-wing or left-wing movements in Latin America are also planned. Another focus is on cultural studies approaches, in which literature, films and social discourses will be addressed.
More info and complete program at: