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Top listings for Uni Kassel professors in international ranking

Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring and Prof. Dr. Tobias Plieninger from the University of Kassel are currently among the most frequently cited researchers worldwide. They have been included in the international list of Highly Cited Researchers 2019. Seuring, head of the University’s Supply Chain Management department, was included due to his work in the Economics and Business category. In 2018, he was already listed in the Cross Field section. Plieninger, who is head of the department Socio-Ecological Interactions in Agricultural Systems, is one of the most frequently cited researchers in the Social Sciences category.

Image: f.l.t.r.: private/Kathleen Friedrich.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring (left) and Prof. Dr. Tobias Plieninger.

The Highly Cited Researchers distinction, Plieninger believes, is proof of the rising awareness in the academic realm of interdisciplinary research on sustainability. Seuring agrees, adding that the distinction is also a motivation to develop this crucial research area further at the University of Kassel.

The term ‘highly cited’ refers to papers which, in the first ten years after their publication, belong to the top 1% of the most frequently cited papers in a field. Only those scientists and scholars who are involved in several such highly cited papers at the same time are admitted to the circle of Highly Cited Researchers. In 2019, this group comprised 6,216 researchers from almost 60 countries, 327 of whom were from Germany. The distinction as a Highly Cited Researcher is indicative of the high significance and broad influence of the researcher’s work.

The list of Highly Cited Researchers is published annually by the US company Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters). The data are taken from the ‘web of science’ database, which lists scientific papers and articles from approximately 34,000 journals. According to the company, the list comprises scientists and scholars who significantly influenced their research field and community in the last decade.


The list of Highly Cited Researchers 2019 is available at: