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W 3 - Professorship "Discrete Mathematics" (m/f/d)

Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Application deadline:


Start of recruitment:

As soon as possible

Reader Service Code:


Applications to:


We are looking for a person with an outstanding international reputation in the field of discrete mathematics who represents this area in research and teaching.


The research focus should be in a current area of graph theory, combinatorics, discrete geometry, or discrete optimization, with clear connections to applications or to algorithms. Extensive experience in teaching and in attracting external funding, numerous high-quality scientific publications in internationally respected peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and a willingness to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation with colleagues from the natural sciences and engineering are expected.


In teaching, Discrete Mathematics is to be represented in its entire breadth for all courses in the department. The professorship is involved in teaching export to the engineering sciences and, together with colleagues in the Institute of Mathematics, is also responsible for events in mathematics for students in teacher training programs.


Participation in academic self-governance is assumed as a matter of course and is part of the duties of the position.


The requirements for employment and the performance requirements according to §§ 61, 62 of the Hessian Higher Education Act apply. In particular, the aptitude for scientific work, usually proven by a habilitation or habilitation-equivalent achievements, as well as pedagogical aptitude, are required.


For further questions, please contact the chairman of the appointment committee, Prof. Dr. Andreas Bley (Tel.: 0561/804-4650, E-Mail: andreas.bley[at]uni-kassel[dot]de).


The University of Kassel is highly interested in the professional satisfaction of its employees. It therefore promotes the compatibility of partnership and family with professional development through its Dual Career Service and its Family Welcome Service. One of the University of Kassel's strategic goals is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. Severely disabled applicants will be given preference if they are equally qualified and qualified. Applications including curriculum vitae, references, certificates, list of scientific papers, three selected publications, a list of courses, and a teaching and research concept should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel or bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, indicating the reference number in the subject line, if possible also in electronic form.