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Livestream Kassel Science Cafés - Serious Fun
Alexandra Fachinger, B.Sc. Biologist, will give a lecture on the topic "Your brain on drugs":
Well, I have to be honest: I really don't have anything to do with drugs. Admittedly, in the morning I can't get out of bed without coffee and in the evening I often have a beer after work. But these are really no drugs and the whole thing is something completely different anyway, isn't it? And while we're at it, why does caffeine make you awake and alcohol ...uhh... "funny"?
Here's the livestream:
Science Cafés are held every second Thursday of the month. Due to the Corona situation, the event will be livestreamed from the Steckenpferd brewpub. The link to the livestream will be announced on Science Bridge's Facebook page a few hours before each event begins.
Past events can be viewed on Science Bridge's YouTube channel.