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05/26/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Linking life cycle assessment and energy efficiency

Digital Minister Sinemus has handed over 230,000 euros for feasibility studies to evaluate complex research and development projects. Among the projects is one from the University of Kassel.

Campus Holländischer Platz of the University of Kassel.Image: University of Kassel.
Campus Holländischer Platz of the University of Kassel.

For small and medium-sized enterprises in particular, as well as for universities and research institutions, digitization offers the opportunity to improve processes and develop new products. The state of Hesse has therefore launched the Distr@l funding program. Four Hessian project ideas received a total of 230,000 euros today to implement so-called feasibility studies. The funding is to be used in particular to evaluate the technical implementation of complex and costly projects from research and development. The aim of the state funding is to reduce the risk for the realization of large-scale projects and to increase the chances of applying for EU and federal funding.

The Hessian Minister for Digital Strategy and Development, Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus, handed over one funding notification each to representatives of Rail-Flow GmbH, Frankfurt a.M., Digital System Integration UG, Frankfurt a.M., University of Kassel, upp department, and Neuroneum GmbH, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, and emphasized: "You were successful in the selection process of the Distr@l funding program and are now one of the already ten grantees who have successfully gone through the application process for feasibility studies since the start of the program, for which I congratulate and rejoice with you.

The Department of Environmentally Compatible Products and Processes at the University of Kassel (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Hesselbach) received a grant (42,793 euros) to implement a project. Research is being conducted into linking life cycle assessment and energy efficiency in industry. The aim is to support companies in finding solutions to achieve their own climate neutrality.

Press release of the Digital Minister