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From the cocoa tree to chocolate cream - a hands-on seminar for grandparents, parents and children aged 6 and over
Everyone loves chocolate and cocoa! If you've always wanted to know how chocolate is made and where cocoa beans grow, you can find out on Sunday. The family can experience the tropical climate under cocoa trees with all their senses, learn about the journey from seed to finished chocolate and enjoy homemade chocolate cream after the work is done.
With agricultural engineer and educational advisor Ines Fehrmann, Witzenhausen. In cooperation with Weltläden in Hessen and the Weltladen Witzenhausen.
Adults 8 €, children 4 €. Only with pre-registration until Wednesday, November 27, 2021 at 05542-72812 or tropengewaechshaus[at]uni-kassel[dot]de