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FoSS: The Participatory Research Workshop as an Access to Higher Education: Professionalization for Inclusion through Inclusion.

with Prof. Dr. Silke Schreiber-Barsch (University of Duisburg-Essen); Dr. Wiebke Curdt (University of Duisburg-Essen); Dr. Katharina Silter (University of Hamburg)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Marianne Hirschberg (University of Kassel)

The Participatory Research Workshop is a third-party funded teaching laboratory project at the University of Hamburg, in which students together with people with learning difficulties (also referred to as so-called intellectual disabilities) have conducted small self-organized research projects and presented the results
( The objective of the format and the challenges in the implementation as well as the accessibility at universities in terms of inclusive lifelong learning will be presented and critically discussed.


The event will take place online. You will receive the link after registration at nathalie.rothe[at]pg.hs-fulda[dot]de.

More information:
For­schungs­ver­bund So­zi­al­recht und So­zi­al­po­li­tik(FoSS)
Digital Program Winter Semester 2021/22

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