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FoSS: Upgrading the nursing profession in the area of conflict between ethos and salary
with Dr. Juliane Dieterich and Lukas Kiepe (both University of Kassel)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Silke Trumpa (University of Applied Sciences Fulda)
Not only since the Corona pandemic has there been a heated debate about the upgrading of the nursing professions. This debate is taking place both within the nursing profession and in politics. During the event, Dr. Juliane Dieterich and Lukas Kiepe will introduce the existing field of tension, which they locate between ethos and money. Dr. Juliane Dieterich will focus on concepts of recognition in order to transfer them to the discourse in the nursing profession. In doing so, professional-ethical development lines of appreciation and devaluation will be traced and their relevance for the current discourse will be considered. Lukas Kiepe examines the improvised autonomy of collective bargaining in geriatric care and why the last federal government failed to strengthen payment according to collective agreements. In this context, he looks in particular at initiatives such as the Concerted Action on Care, the Care Wage Improvement Act, and aspects of collective bargaining regulation in SGB XI.
From the event series "Social Law and Social Policy in Jurisprudence and Science" in cooperation with Verein zur Förderung von Forschung und Wissenstransfer in Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik e. V.
The event will take place online. You will receive the link after registration at nathalie.rothe[at]pg.hs-fulda[dot]de.
Further information:
Forschungsverbund Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik(FoSS)
Digital Program Winter Semester 2021/22