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ITeG Lecture: "Use cases for 6G wireless communications - the case of AI and Digital Twins".

In the ITeG lecture series "Digital Societies - a Design Challenge", Prof. Dr. Antonio de la Oliva Delgado will provide insights on "Use cases for 6G wireless communications - the case of AI and Digital Twin".

He is an Associate Professor at the Telematics Engineering Department of the University Carlos III of Madrid. His current lines of research focus on novel architectural approaches for 5G and Edge communications. He has served as Deputy Coordinator of the successful EU H2020 5G-PPP 5G-Crosshaul project and the EU/TW 5G-CORAL project, currently leading the EU/TW H2020 5G-DIVE project, selected for the first coordinated research action between EU and Taiwan. He is also participating in the HEXA-X project, driving the development of 6G in Europe. Antonio de la Oliva served as Vice-chair of the IEEE 802.21b task group and Technical Editor of IEEE 802.21d, contributing significantly to the development of the IEEE 802 standards for Media Independent Handover Services. He obtained his PhD in 2008 obtaining the Alcatel - Lucent award "ex-aequo" for the best contribution to new IPTV services, granted by the Royal Telecommunication Engineering Institute of Spain.


Summary of his presentation:

In this talk we will explore current understanding of the use cases that may drive the development of 6G together with some of the key technologies being investigated to cover these gaps. After exploring the use cases we will focus on a key use case which is attracting much traction, the digital twin. We will explore some of the digital twins applications being explored in the area followed with some results on how AI can be applied to the DT in the area of manufacturing.


The lectures take place online (via Zoom). To join the Zoom meeting, please find the Zoom link and meeting ID on the following website:

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