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Climate Thinking - How do the humanities and cultural sciences research climate change? - Lecture in the anniversary exhibition "Wunderkammer modern"
Lecture by the "Climate Thinking" team, University of Kassel, Faculty 02 Humanities and Cultural Studies
The common belief is that climate change as an environmental problem falls exclusively within the remit of the natural sciences: they determine the subject area, research the problems and propose solutions.
However, the sciences themselves and the phenomena they research are embedded in complex cultural and social contexts. We see it as a task of the humanities and cultural studies to focus on these interrelationships, in which climate change is discussed, talked about and thought about.
The special exhibition can be seen at the Stadtmuseum Kassel until April 18.
The lecture series is free of charge.
The number of participants is limited. Therefore, please register with the Stadtmuseum Kassel on 0561 787-4405 or stadtmuseum.aufsicht[at]kassel[dot]de.
The general distancing and hygiene rules as well as the current corona regulations apply. Please find out which vaccination and test certificates are required before your visit.
Please wear a medical face mask during your visit.