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Panel discussion: It's all a joke!? What is satire allowed to do?

Is satire allowed to do anything or is it a backdoor for verbal violence that humiliates and discriminates? This and other questions will be addressed at the interdisciplinary conference "Laughing and Laughing. Comedy and Satire in Situations of Social, Political and Cultural Upheaval since the 19th Century" and the panel discussion "Only a Joke!".

The panel discussion will feature cartoonist Katharina Greve, philosopher and publicist Philipp Hübl, actress Jasmin Shakeri and former Titanic editor-in-chief Tim Wolff. It is organized by the "History of Western Europe" department at the University of Kassel and Caricatura Kassel.

The panel discussion, which is open to the public, will take place on May 13 at the Kulturbahnhof Kassel/Südflügel starting at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. It is the highlight of the conference "Lachen und Verlachen. Komik und Satire in gesellschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Umbruchsituationen seit dem 19. Jahrhundert".

The symposium will take place May 12-14 in the conference room of the International House at the University of Kassel.


Further information on the panel discussion:

Further information incl. program on the symposium:

Jörg Requate
University of Kassel
Department 05 - Social Sciences
Department of History of Western Europe 18th-20th Century'
Tel.: 0561 - 804 3118

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