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Green Office with postcard campaign at the campus festival.

The newly founded Green Office of the University of Kassel will present itself for the first time at the Campus Fest on 30.06.2022 and open its doors.

Shortly before the grand opening on 06.07.2022, the Green Office presents itself to the university public at the Campus Fest.

A series of postcards will give university members the opportunity to motivate others to get involved. The leitmotif is: "Don't go around in circles, expand your radius - Go:Green"

Employees are given the opportunity to send a postcard to their favorite colleague via the in-house post office and motivate them to take part. The university's post office is supporting the project, thank you very much!

Seedsticks can be produced as a further action. The seeds come from flowering plants directly from the campus and were collected and provided by the Department of Landscaping, Landscape Management and Vegetation Development, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Many thanks from the team here too!

The ecological footprint can also be determined in the Green Office at Nora-Platiel-Straße 2.

We look forward to seeing you, you, you!

The Green Office team



Contact: Georg Mösbauer

Georg Mösbauer

Head of Group VC - Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection

Representative for occupational safety, health, environmental protection and sustainability in the company (AGUN)

Phone: +49 561 804-3811

E-mail: moesbauer[at]uni-kassel[dot]de