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FUSION What can an architecture museum do? // Angelika Fitz

Angelika Fitz has been Director of the Architekturzentrum Wien since 2017. She has previously worked internationally as a curator, author and consultant in the field of architecture and urbanism, including for the Austrian contribution to the Architecture Biennale in Sao Paulo, the Advisory Board of the EU Mies Award and the IBA Expert Council of the Federal Government in Berlin. Numerous exhibitions and publications, most recently at the Az W, including Downtown Denise Scott Brown and Critical Care. Architecture for a Planet in Crisis (MIT Press). Her focus is on the social contextualization of architecture, the use of resources and a planetary perspective.


Summer semester 2022 I Fusion: Exhibiting

Parallel to documenta fifteen, Fusion in summer semester 2022 will deal with questions of exhibition and exhibiting. These range from the exhibition value of architecture itself to architecture museums; from architectural models as exhibition objects to questions of urban development through "signature buildings", which often take the form of museums; from exhibition architectures and spatial-curatorial settings to artistic appropriations of architectural processes.

Public lecture series I Positions on architecture, city and landscape

Scientists, planners and designers are invited to the weekly public lecture series Fusion to report on their work with a special focus on their position on architecture, city and landscape and to discuss it with the guests. The newly appointed professors and guest lecturers give their inaugural lectures as part of Fusion.

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