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Guided tour of the teaching and learning garden: "Summer vegetables - summer delights"
We invite you on a journey of discovery to lesser-known summer vegetables such as Kasseler Strünkchen, garden melilot and edible summer flowers. With agricultural engineer and vegetable gardener Catherina Merx.
Binding registration at tropengewaechshaus[at]uni-kassel[dot]de or 05542-981231 by 6.7.22 Cost €5.
Since industrial horticulture relies primarily on high-yielding varieties, it is obvious that many of the species and varieties that were once common are falling into oblivion, often including those with regional significance such as the 'Kasseler Strünkchen'. The Kasseler Strünkchen is a variety of romaine lettuce. Here in northern Hesse, the young leaves are gradually harvested from the bottom and eaten as a salad. After "shooting" the inflorescence, the stalk with the remaining leaves ends up as a vegetable in the cooking pot. Here in the region, the vegetable is also known as summer divie, Schlobberkohl or Schlupperkohl. We'll explain what this means on the tour!
Even the garden chard is almost forgotten. It is one of our oldest cultivated plants. It not only looks beautiful: Its leaves are delicious as a vegetable and as a salad. They dye or have healing properties.
Our summer flowers not only decorate gardens and vases, but can also be used as a healthy, tasty ingredient in many dishes. We are happy to explain how a feast for the eyes can also become a feast for the palate. In addition to their decorative and appetizing properties in dishes - "the eye eats with you" - flowers can do much more: the pigments that give the flowers their colourful appearance and which, among other things, serve to communicate with pollinators, are secondary plant substances such as the yellow flavones and red anthocyanins, which have a wide range of protective effects in the body.
Summer delights: Stop off at Ringelnatz
If you work up an appetite, you can combine what you have just learned with a stop off and try freshly cooked vegetables from the teaching and learning garden!
From 12:45 p.m. there is a menu from the garden in the Ringelnatz bistro. Separate registration under 05542-6199785.
University of Kassel, Steinstraße 19, 37213 Witzenhausen