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"This is going like clockwork?!" From oil and coconut palms and fat fruits.

From Friday, July 15, 4:30 p.m. to Saturday, July 16, 2022 at 5:30 p.m., the Tropical Greenhouse will be all about oleaginous plants (ingredients) and their products. Our journey through the world of fat fruits begins with an interactive introductory lecture. We will get to know the diversity of oil plants, devote ourselves to botany and cultivation, and examine their cultural and economic significance through the centuries.
After dinner, we will end the day with stories about fat fruits during an evening tour of the tropical greenhouse. If the weather cooperates, we will have the opportunity to gather around the fire bowl in the garden afterwards.
The next day we will get to know the plants in the tropical greenhouse and the container garden up close. Anna Ritgen from El Puente will tell us everything we need to know about "fair coconuts", including current challenges and developments among producers in Sri Lanka.
Back in the garden we will explore the cultivated area buffet and the oil plants available there, reflecting on the topic of fair distribution and our own needs.
Of course, tasting of the diverse vegetable oils and products may not be missing. We will also have time for discussions, questions and mutual exchange.  


Time: The seminar starts on Friday, July 15, 2022 at 16:30 and ends on Saturday, July 16, 2022 at 17:30.
Location: Tropical greenhouse of the University of Kassel, Steinstraße 19, 37213 Witzenhausen.
Organizer: The seminar is a cooperation of Weltläden in Hessen e.V., Tropengewächshaus Witzenhausen/Universität Kassel and WeltGarten Witzenhausen.
Overnight stay: DEULA, Am Sande 20, 37213 Witzenhausen.
Speakers: Ines Fehrmann (University of Kassel), Anna Ritgen (El Puente), Christine Feiler (Weltläden in Hessen e.V.).
Participation fee (including accommodation + meals): 55€/person in a double room, 65€/person in a single room. Without accommodation 45€. Reduction possible on request.
Registrations until 23.06.2022 to : info[at]weltlaeden-hessen[dot]de; Tel.: 06421-6971047

Ge­wächs­house for tro­pi­sche Nutz­pflan­zen

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