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The project "Mobile Pavilion" introduces itself

As part of the project "Der Raum_Questioning documenta fifteen", students from the Department of Design and Building Construction at the University of Kassel worked with documenta 15 and the Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Schule to realize the venue "mobile pavilion". It was designed by students and erected together with the school. Using simple construction elements and recycled materials, it was possible to build a sustainable pavilion in a self-construction process that offers various possibilities for use. Afterwards, the project team dealt with an exhibition on the creation of the self-construction. The students designed an offshoot "der raum:winkel - presenting mobile pavilion" for pure exhibition purposes. This was also built together in the spirit of the collective process.


Knowledge repository - an exhibition with 100 ideas from the University of Kassel for a more sustainable future, organized by UniKasselTransfer and Raamwerk

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