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10/21/2022 | Campus-Meldung

Lecture series on the (in)ability to act in the context of climate change

To look at climate change not only as a natural phenomenon, but also in its complex cultural and social contexts - that is the intention of the public lecture series "Apocalypse and Apathy" at the University of Kassel. The first date is October 26.

PosterImage: University of Kassel.

A common belief is that climate change, as an environmental problem, falls exclusively within the purview of the natural sciences. The latter investigate the problems and propose solutions. However, the scientific view alone often does not take into account that the sciences themselves and also the phenomenon they research are situated in complex cultural and social contexts.

The organizers of the Interdisciplinary Working Group (IAG) Climate Thinking see it as a task of the humanities and cultural sciences to take a look at these interconnections of ways of thinking and living in which climate change is talked about, told about, and thought about, to discuss them with representatives of other disciplines, and to develop new perspectives together with an interested public. That is why the IAG is organizing a lecture series for the second time in the winter semester of 2022/2023. The title is: "Apocalypse and Apathy. Action (in)ability in the context of climate change".

The varied program includes contributions from the disciplines of linguistics, literary studies and didactics, philosophy, medieval studies, psychology, art history, musicology, Tibetology, and digital ethics. Climate Thinking addresses the lecture series to students as well as to the interested public. Participation is free and open to all.

The lectures take place every Wednesday from 20:00 to 22:00 c.t. at the University of Kassel (Campus Center, Lecture Hall 3. Moritzstraße 18, 34127 Kassel) as well as online via Zoom. Next Wednesday, philosopher Martin Böhnert will speak about the (ir)erlevance of the humanities and cultural studies in the climate crisis.

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