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INCHER colloquium: Dreams, donors, and dollars

Professor Francisco O. Ramirez (Graduate School of Education, Stanford University, USA):
Dreams, donors, and dollars

American higher education is a hyper competitive organizational field made up of socially embedded universities. American universities operate as organizational actors with goals and plans to attain these goals, often in interaction with multiple "stakeholders." Fundraising has increasingly become central in American universities. University development offices with fund raising objectives emerged, expanded, and have professionalized. Utilizing an original national representative sample of universities these organizational developments are traced and discussed. The role of philanthropy in American higher education will be assessed.

The lectures are planned as hybrid events. Please register for Zoom participation(koch[at]incher.uni-kassel[dot]de).
You will receive the dial-in information shortly after the respective lectures.

The Corona regulations of the University of Kassel apply to attendance.

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