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Paul Bode Prize 2022 - award ceremony, lecture and exhibition opening
The Paul Bode Award will be presented in Kassel for the second time in 2022. This year, the prestigious award is entitled "Experiment Kassel Harbor: Visions for a Socially-Productive Neighborhood."
The Paul Bode Prize, which is endowed with 10,000 euros, for students of the Department of Architecture-City Planning-Landscape Planning (ASL) is sponsored by the Nassauische Heimstätte | Wohnstadt Group and offered by the University of Kassel (Department of ASL).
The prize winners will be determined on November 3. The seven-member jury consists of representatives of the Nassauische Heimstätte | Wohnstadt Group, the city of Kassel and four other jurors.
The festive public award ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. on the same day. This will be followed at 8 p.m. by the opening of the exhibition of the competition entries, which will be on display until November 17 in the Studierendenhaus, Universitätsplatz 10.
Before the prize is announced, there will be keynote speeches on housing by the two jurors Marc Frohn (FAR Architects, Berlin; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and Tim Heide (Heide & von Beckerath Architekten, Berlin).
The Paul Bode Award promotes experimental and forward-looking concepts and ideas of students of architecture, landscape architecture and landscape planning as well as urban and regional planning at the University of Kassel. It is dedicated to contemporary issues of housing in Hesse with a focus on Kassel and its region. The student competition is held every two years. The Kassel architect Paul Bode (1903 to 1978) is considered an important architect of the post-war period for places of assembly, such as cinemas, theaters, cafés, restaurants, but also for housing.
Monika Fontaine-Kretschmer - Managing Director, Nassauische Heimstätte | Wohnstadt Group of Companies. Bernd Peuster - Head of Acquisition North, Nassauische Heimstätte | Wohnstadt Group.
Christof Nolda - City Planning Officer, City of Kassel.
Prof. Marc Frohn - FAR Architects, Berlin; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Prof. Dr. Maren Harnack - Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.
Tim Heide - Heide & von Beckerath Architects, Berlin.
Prof. Andrea Wandel - Wandel Lorch Götze Wach Architects, Saarbrücken/Frankfurt; Trier University of Applied Sciences.
Program, Thursday, November 3
Admission (ASL New Building, Room 0106 Universitätsplatz 9, 34127 Kassel).
Welcome by Prof. Dr. Uwe Altrock (University of Kassel) and Monika Fontaine-Kretschmer (and Nassauische Heimstätte | Wohnstadt group of companies).
Lecture by Tim Heide (Heide & von Beckerath Architekten, Berlin)
19.00: Lecture by Prof. Marc Frohn (FAR Architects, Berlin; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).
Paul Bode Prize 2022 award ceremony.
Exhibition opening and get-together (ASL-Neubau and Studierendenhaus, Universitätsplatz 10, 34127 Kassel, exhibition duration until 17.11.22, Mon. to Fri. during regular opening hours, free admission).