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Mobility survey: Important contribution made

In the coming years, the transportation services at the university locations are to be improved. Following the student mobility survey last summer semester, employees were also surveyed in September and students were able to take part once again. As part of the public energy action days on November 22, attractive prizes were awarded to participants in the survey who had previously been drawn by lot.

How do employees and students get to the university from home? Do they walk, cycle, take public transport or drive? The Department of Transport Planning and Transport Systems at the University of Kassel, headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Sommer, wanted to find out. The university wants to ensure that the mobility of students, employees and visitors is more efficient, environmentally and socially compatible and therefore more sustainable. The survey was conducted online and sent by email to all 3,300 employees and 22,000 students. The evaluation provides an up-to-date and reliable data basis on their mobility behavior during the lecture-free period.

Once again, great prizes were up for grabs: Five tablets each, ten canteen vouchers, ten book vouchers and ten thermal spa vouchers. 67 percent of employees took part. Karl Haase, Head of the Construction, Technology and Real Estate Department, and Sophie Elise Kahnt, research assistant at the Department of Transport Planning and Systems, are delighted with the high participation rate. Together with her colleague Stefan Saake, she organized, coordinated and implemented the mobility survey.

"We will use the results to improve the mobility infrastructure. The first measures will be implemented as early as 2023 by installing additional bicycle parking facilities on campus," confirms Karl Haase.

"Thanks to the survey, we can take the needs and wishes of university members into account in further planning. All participants have made an important contribution to the sustainable development of the university, adds Sophie Elise Kahnt and thanks all participants in the survey for their commitment.