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Video about the parking lots and the fallow park of the University of Kassel

Dr.-Ing. Florian Bellin-Harder reports on the parking lots and the fallow park at the University of Kassel in a video contribution as part of the Garden Culture Days.

The open spaces at the University of Kassel, especially in the parking lots behind the Science Park and on the fallow land adjacent to the Leo, have become a hotspot for biodiversity in Kassel. As part of the Garden Culture Days, a very nice video was produced that impressively shows what has been created in recent years by the seeding work of Prof. Dr. Stefan Körner's Department of Landscape Design, Management and Vegetation Development.

The department also commissioned a nature conservation report to examine the University of Kassel as an urban habitat for birds, wild bees and reptiles. Fortunately, the results show a high biodiversity of birds and wild bees at the Holländischer Platz campus site.