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Curator's tour of the "Between Spaces" art exhibition
Gruppenausstellung der künstlerischen Mitarbeiterinnen / Group exhibition of the artistic associates:
Angela Anderson, Anna Holzhauer, Nina Jansen, Katja Kottmann, Meike Redeker, Caroline Streck
Kuratiert von Defne Kizilöz / Curated by Defne Kizilöz
With the exhibition "Between Spaces" the Kunsthochschule Kassel shows from 30.11.2022 to 17.12 2022 for the first time works of the artistic staff of the visual arts in a group exhibition. All works are united by the interest in complex spatial structures, in the in-relationship of people and space, which here is not seen as a purely architectural contruct of walls, floors and ceilings, but as an atmospheric-natural and / or social construct.
What roles, perspectives, and positions do we assume in the spaces in which we act, work, and live every day? What resonances are created through interaction in the social, architectural, and natural fabric? Who creates which spaces and to whom do they belong? When are spaces stabilized and when is there a need for destabilization?
"Between Spaces" describes explorations between different spaces and the challenges they pose from a feminist perspective. What positions, actions and contexts do feminist movements deal with and what forms of resistance manifest in social, cultural, societal and architectural space? The spectrum of works on display ranges from sculptures, installations, paintings, to videos and performances, whose practice also proves to be a reflection of the structures surrounding the artists: social, social and ecological and not least the working relationships of the artists themselves. Questions about artistic production processes in connection with the redesign of spaces and the rethinking of visibility, accessibility and performativity are raised.
Öffnungszeiten / Opening hours:
Wed / Wed - Sat: 3 - 7 pm
Weitere Termine / further events:
Künstlerinnenführung/ Guided tour by artists:
Dienstag / Tuesday, 13.12.22, 16 Uhr / 4 pm
Thanks to: HMWK Hessen, Stöer, Paul deMarinis (Stanford University) and Constantin Basica (Stanford University).