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INCHER colloquium: No organization is an island? An explorative analysis of collaboration patterns in management education.

Dr. Bastian Rake (School of Business, Maynooth University, Ireland):
No or­ga­niza­t­i­on is an is­land? An ex­plo­ra­ti­ve ana­ly­sis of col­la­bo­ra­ti­on pat­terns in ma­nage­ment edu­ca­ti­on.

A rich stream of literature has emphasized the value of collaboration for the creation and exchange of knowledge. The need for collaboration across organizational boundaries has also been emphasized for management education. This research area has been characterized by its interdisciplinary nature, the importance of practitioner demands, as well as the emergence of new educational tools. At the same time, the research area is also described as being in its infancy stages, being largely fragmented, being dependent on core subjects, lacking high-quality research outputs, and experiencing a widespread science-practice gap. This study aims to look at the roots of these issues by investigating the nature and the development of knowledge exchange structures within the management education research community through social network analysis. Our analysis is based on a unique dataset of more than 22,000 academic articles published over a twenty-year period from 2000 to 2019. Our preliminary results indicate that, despite some increase in cross-organizational collaboration, the network of management education research remains rather fragmented. While collaboration between organizations from different countries is a rather rare event, organizations from the East Asia and Pacific region are comparatively centrally located in the network and connect organizations from Europe and from North America. We find that collaboration with practitioners from non-academic organizations is rather rare in management education.

The lectures are planned as hybrid events. For Zoom participation, please register(koch[at]incher.uni-kassel[dot]de).
You will receive dial-in information close to the time of the respective lectures.

For attendance, the Corona regulations of the University of Kassel apply.

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