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EXTRACTIVISM Lecture Series 22/23: Climate Change and Perspectives of Social-Ecological Transformation

26.01.2023 in Marburg: Climate Change and Perspectives of Socio-Ecological Transformation (Prof. Dr. Klaus Dörre, Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

"The world is on the brink", with these startling words Antonio Guterres urged once again on the eve of the climate conference in Glasgow that the omnipresent talk about the climate should finally be followed by action. The UN Secretary-General has every reason to be concerned, because the data on climate change are alarming. Although the world seemed to temporarily stand still because of the Corona pandemic, carbon emissions rose again in 2021 to record levels in 2022, causing concern. While there was a drop of about six percent in climate-damaging emissions in 2020, it is of little consequence to man-made global warming. Climate change continues to gather pace. The 1.5-degree global warming scenario and even the two-degree target are coming under threat.  Faced with this catastrophic development, the question arises as to the prospects of a socio-ecological transformation and thus of social conditions within which what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is now also calling for - a global sustainability revolution - can be realized. Have we already missed the chance for this or are there well-founded prospects for a successful transformation? Klaus Dörre will address these questions in his lecture. His thesis is that ecological and social sustainability are mutually dependent, which is why one cannot exist without the other. Both objectives are prone to conflict. Social actors can therefore only be successful in the transformation if they successfully deal with the tension between social and ecological sustainability goals.


From the series
Climate change and raw materials: risk or opportunity?
Extractivism lecture series in the winter semester 2022/2023

It is already foreseeable that the global importance of raw materials will continue to increase in the coming years. Efforts to make the energy turnaround sustainable for the most part and thus to help shape climate change require that raw materials be given a special status. The desired energy turnaround for the purpose of sustainable climate policy will massively change the raw material basis of the world economy. This will not only mean deep transformation processes for the countries of the Global North, but will also have serious consequences for many countries of the South that depend on raw material exports. This challenges the existing structure of the international system and the global economy.

The lecture series will address this problem context and approach the issues first from the perspective of Latin America and the Maghreb. The contributions focus on the relationship between commodities and climate change from empirical, regional and/or theoretical perspectives. They will be linked by not only analyzing the risks of the relationship between commodities and climate change, but also illuminating possibilities and opportunities.

The lecture series will take place on Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. , alternating between Kassel and Marburg. To participate in the event online, you can register HERE.


Program of the lecture series

27.10.2022 in Kassel: 500 years of interdependence between Latin America and Europe (Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, University of Kassel)

03.11.2022 in Kassel: Amazon, Oil Reserves and Corporate Climate Management: A Brazilian Perspective on the Achievability of the Paris Climate Targets (Prof. Dr. Anita Engels, Thomas Frisch, Solange Commelin; University of Hamburg).

10.11.2022 in Marburg: Patrimonial Capitalism, Pensions and Development (Prof. Dr. Oliver Schlumberger, University of Tübingen)

17.11.2022 in Kassel: Geopolitics of the "Great Transformation" (Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Technical University Darmstadt)

24.11.2022 in Kassel: Petrolism in the Middle East (Prof. Dr. Martin Beck, University of Kurdistan Hewlêr)

01.12.2022 in Kassel: Supply Chain Laws and Certification of Resources (Prof. Dr. Lena Partzsch, Freie Universität Berlin)

08.12.2022 in Marburg: Oil and Middle Classes in Iran (Prof. Dr. Mohammed Farzanegan, Philipps-Universität Marburg)

15.12.2022 in Kassel: Circular Economy, Raw Materials and Climate Change (Prof. Dr. Sina Leipold, Environmental Research Center Leipzig)

12.01.2023 in Marburg: Everything flows? The importance of water for the social contract in Morocco (Dr. Annabelle Houdret, German Development Institute, Bonn)

19.01.2023 in Kassel: Is Latin America too rich for development? (Dr. Hannes Warnecke-Berger / Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, University of Kassel)

26.01.2023 in Marburg: Climate change and perspectives of socio-ecological transformation (Prof. Dr. Klaus Dörre, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)

02.02.2023 in Kassel: News from the "resource curse": On the relationality of unequal development (Prof. Dr. Stephan Lessenich, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)

09.02.2022 in Marburg: 500 Years of Interdependence between Maghreb and Europe (Prof. Dr. Rachid Ouaissa, Philipps-Universität Marburg)

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