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Results of the idea workshops and sustainability challenges are online

What happens when employees and students join forces with the goal of making the University of Kassel more sustainable? At the 1st Ideas Workshop and the two Sustainability Challenges "How can we establish drinking fountains at the University of Kassel?" and "How can events at the University of Kassel be organized more sustainably?" on February 7 and 8, 2023, we jointly developed 15 great project ideas. The ideas are now to be implemented in consultation with the departments.

We have summarized the results for you in a photo documentation, and of course we also provide you with the presentations and other materials. In addition, we have digitized the result templates. Of course, these templates are not yet final, but they can serve as a basis for further cooperation. Together we want to use them to further plan and develop the projects. We will keep you informed about the progress of the project here.

You would like to join a project? Just get in touch with us via the idea phone or by e-mail.