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12th Congress for Psychodynamic Coaching
Upheaval - The contribution of psychodynamic coaching to sustainable transformation
In the face of climate change, the debate about sustainable and economically sound business practices is being intensively discussed in various social discourses, companies, quality concepts and consulting approaches. The UN Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs for short, are often used as a guide for reorientation.
These urgent issues are embedded in transformation processes that have affected all of our social, political and societal areas. In particular, the global developments driven by international conflicts cannot leave coaching processes untouched and call for a redefinition of the contextual focus of coaching.
Against this background, the question of the identity of psychodynamic coaching arises. What contribution does business coaching make to doing justice to the dimensions of ecology, economy and social responsibility? How can managers be supported in fulfilling their corporate responsibility?
At the congress, experts from business, research, administration, politics and psychodynamics will present their perspectives, experiences and research findings on sustainable transformation. In interdisciplinary work, lines of argumentation, contradictions and creative developments of the disciplines will be negotiated with reference to psychodynamic coaching practice.
Early bird registration is possible until February 15, 2023: