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Guided tour of the Science Park Kassel start-up and innovation center

On Thursday, June 15, at 4:30 pm, the Science Park Kassel invites you to a guided tour of the start-up and innovation center. There has long been a large, active start-up scene in Kassel and the North Hesse region. The innovative potential is bundled in the Science Park Kassel, among other places. A central meeting point for Kassel's start-up scene has been established here since 2015. Located on the university campus, the central task of the center is to transfer knowledge between the university and industry. It supports founders from the university from the initial idea to establishing themselves on the market. There are currently around 40 start-ups on site. Interested parties are cordially invited to visit the office and workshop areas covering over 6000m², gain exciting insights into the space and support on offer and network on site.

Free registration via the Science Park website is required. The number of participants is limited. Afterwards, all participants are cordially invited to the CoCreation start-up get-together in the Dépa Forschungskantine.

The registration form and further dates are available at Dates and events | SciencePark Kassel (



Corinna Kondermann
Science Park Kassel
Tel.: 0561 95379 601

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