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RoboCup: Team BioBrause becomes European champion

With the support of the University of Kassel, two young people from Kassel have won a title at the RoboCup European Championship in Croatia.

Image: Scheel.
Ludwig Hübner (2nd from left) and Moritz Lück (2nd from right) with Ben Reichel and Charlotte Hüfken, who served as referees.

The two students Moritz Lück (16) and Ludwig Hübner (17) from the Wilhelmsgymnasium won with their self-built robot in the category "Maze Entry". The basis for their success was a workshop in the electrical engineering/computer science department, to which the supervisor Andreas Scheel (he is also the organizer of the RoboCup) had invited the two talents during the past fall vacations. There, robots are manufactured and programmed with "professional" components.

As Team BioBrause, Moritz Lück and Ludwig Hübner have been working together for a long time. They have been successfully participating in tournaments since 2019. In 2023, they qualified for the European Championship, which took place this year in Varazdin, Croatia, by winning the German Championship at the Kassel Exhibition Center. It was already clear at the German Championship that they would be right at the top. In four of the total of six runs they then achieved full points at the European Championships. In two runs they scored the highest number of points. Thus they became, again with large distance, European champion.

Next year they will participate in the advanced discipline "Maze". The goal is the World Championship, which will probably take place in the Netherlands. For this, their robot will have to be completely re-equipped: other sensors, other motors, other microprocessors, in order to be able to face the significantly more complex tasks. The University of Kassel and especially the Department 16 of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science are keeping their fingers crossed.

VW, the cdw Foundation and Micromata have financed the trip to Varazdin.