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Networking for sustainable development at the university

Around 90 sustainability activists met at the DG HochN Annual Hub 2023 at the University of Kassel on June 26 and 27.

They exchanged views on topics such as sustainable procurement, equal opportunities and biodiversity management, as well as on how to deal with resistance to sustainability developments at universities. However, the members' meeting was not only about professional exchange, because active networking with other sustainability activists is often neglected. For this purpose, market booths were set up, which presented the three institutions Green Office, Kassel Institute for Sustainability and SDGplus Lab and their activities, projects and work. In addition, guided tours were offered, during which DG HochN members could gain insight into the structural development and climate adaptation strategies on the university's campus areas, as well as take a look behind the scenes of the university's technical operations.

The event was opened by Prof. Georg Müller Christ, chairman of the DG HochN association, and the president, Prof. Ute Clement, who said in her speech that she was strongly impressed by the film "Don't Look Up", which shows the different reactions of society to an impending meteorite impact. This, she said, underscored the need for  activities in the sustainability field and the potential for universities to work together to make a difference. With many new impulses and, in some cases, concrete ideas for implementation, the networkers: inside left the Annual Hub 2023 with an invitation to the four Darmstadt universities to attend the Annual Hub 2024 in Darmstadt.