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Exhibition MUT zur Zukunft
The exhibition (November 15 to 30) is curated by the departments of Experimental and Digital Design and Construction, Structural Design, Design and Building Construction and Visual Arts | Research Platform BAU KUNST ERFINDEN.
"Our network includes disciplines related to design, drafting, planning and construction," explains curator Prof. Brigitte Häntsch (Department of Design and Building Construction). "We focus on materials and technology and investigate how materials can be functionalized and activated in such a way that they take on new tasks in complex spatial requirements. We use new digital technologies, planning and simulation methods, tools and production techniques and explore their potential for the development of new production, construction, design and planning processes. We also apply artistic, engineering, constructive, material and spatial science methods."
Curator Prof. Dr. Julian Lienhard (Department of Structural Design) gives an outlook on the exhibition: "We are showing material experiments and prototype construction from 50 years of research and teaching. What is special about the University of Kassel is that in research-based teaching, we do not view science and knowledge transfer separately, but see them as mutually enriching units. The works grouped by material show a cross-section of past and current projects. A film created as part of a student research project complements the presentation with a chronological sequence of the entire wealth of 1:1 projects with a focus on material developments over the last 50 years."
"MUT zur Zukunft" by the Materials and Technology Research Network is one of ten anniversary exhibitions in the series "The Kassel Model 1973-2023. 50 Years of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel" to mark the Faculty's anniversary. The exhibitions and the accompanying program highlight innovations and pressing issues in architecture, urban planning and landscape planning. A look back at the history of research and teaching is combined with current concepts of urban activism, the redesign of public spaces, the moratorium on demolition, sustainable building and digitalization. Then as now, critical and technically sound concepts are needed to address the challenges facing society. The Kassel Model stands for this self-image.
The exhibitions are organized and curated by various departments in collaboration with students. The exhibition series will continue until the summer semester 2024.
The Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning invites you to the exhibition opening on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 7 pm. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers (University of Stuttgart) will open the evening with a keynote speech: 'Integrated computer-based planning and building for sustainable architecture'. In a panel discussion afterwards, the curators will talk about research-based teaching, prototype construction and their potential for a sustainably built future.
In another accompanying event on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 7 pm, Prof. Frank Stepper (formerly Department of Experimental Design and Construction) will be bid farewell and his new publication "Experiment in Architecture" will be presented. This shows 20 years of teaching in the field of tension between artistic experimentation, analog and digital methods and 'Research Through Making' projects. In a subsequent panel discussion, Prof. Brigitte Häntsch, Prof. Heike Klussmann, Prof. Marie-Therese Harnoncourt-Fuchs, Prof. Philipp Eversmann, Prof. Dr. Julian Lienhard, Prof. Dr. Timo Carl and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hennecke will discuss starting points for future-oriented teaching and how to overcome current challenges.
Anniversary exhibition
MUT - Materials and Technology Research Network
November 15 - 30, 2023
Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Foyer of the ASL new building
Universitätsplatz 9
34127 Kassel
Admission is free of charge.
Further information on the exhibitions and other anniversary activities:
Accompanying events:
Wednesday 15.11.2023, 19:00 hrs
Keynote lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Knippers (University of Stuttgart) :
Integrated computer-based planning and building for sustainable architecture
The climate crisis is forcing us to drastically reduce the consumption of fossil resources for construction. This requires new lightweight construction methods and alternative building materials. At the same time, the volume of global construction work must increase significantly in order to provide sufficient living space for the world's growing population. The lecture will show how research-based teaching and prototype construction can enable new approaches to construction that respond to the challenges of the future through basic and mutually influencing research into digital planning methods and robotic manufacturing processes.
Wednesday 22.11.2023, 19:00 h
"Experiment in Architecture" - farewell party, book presentation, panel discussion - Prof. Frank Stepper
Guests: Prof. Brigitte Häntsch, Prof. Heike Klussmann, Prof. Marie-Therese Harnoncourt-Fuchs, Prof. Philipp Eversmann, Prof. Dr. Julian Lienhard, Prof. Dr. Timo Carl, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hennecke
New ASL building, ground floor, foyer and room 106, Universitätsplatz 9, 34127 Kassel