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Diversity Week: "Yalla, Feminism!" Cunnillinguistic reading and deepdactics by Drin Reyhan Şahin aka Lady Bitch Ray*.

Moderation: Tamara Bodden & Maria Gallinat
Diversity and Didactics - A Question of Empowerment?! Numerous mechanisms of discrimination and disadvantage are still at work in education today. What role language plays on the way to a diversity-sensitive and discrimination-free teaching practice and where and how linguistic empowerment should start - we discuss these and other questions with linguist, activist, artist and book author Drin Reyhan Şahin after she gives us insights into her book "Yalla, Feminism!".
*TW Sexspeech: As the title of the event already makes clear, sexspeech plays an important role in Ms. Şahin's artistic as well as critical examination of existing power relations.

This year's Diversity Week will take place in the week from November 6 to 10. Organized by Equal Opportunity Officers of the Department 02, various dimensions of discrimination will be discussed together. In addition to an extensive supporting program with workshops, lectures, forums and some more, seminars will also get involved by linking their teaching content to the topics of Diversity Week during this week. All interested parties can take a closer look at the program here and are cordially invited to join in the discussion and get involved.

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