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Press release of the LandesAstenKonferenz (LAK) Hessen on the coalition agreement between the CDU and SPD

The LAK Hessen is sharply critical of the current coalition agreement between the CDU and SPD.

Wiesbaden - The LandesAstenKonferenz Hessen, representatives of the student bodies of Hessian
universities, is sharply critical of the recently published coalition agreement between the CDU and SPD in
Hesse and highlights a number of points which, in the opinion of the student representatives, clearly show insufficient
consideration and disregard for student interests.

"Scientific monoculture?"
The proposed approach of linking financial resources to "valid and modern reserve management" raises serious fears of an unequal educational landscape. In this respect, the LAK criticizes the coalition agreement's one-sided focus on technical and engineering degree programs in the allocation of funds, which would lead to a severe neglect of other important areas of study, especially social and artistic degree programs.

"Student representation - invisible superheroes?"
Although the coalition agreement emphasizes the use of student funds exclusively for student interests, it remains unclear how student representatives will be involved in decision-making processes in the future. Instead of making implicit accusations against committed students in the coalition agreement, real progress in the co-determination of all status groups would have been necessary.

"The working conditions have long been evaluated - they are bad!"
The LAK also criticizes the lack of concrete measures to improve the employment and working conditions of student and academic assistants. The LAK continues to support all the demands of the nationwide "TVStud" alliance. "The coalition will have to position itself in the collective bargaining round in February at the latest and make it clear that students will no longer be exposed to precarious working conditions. It is time that students are not treated as third-class citizens."
(Aliah Mereu, AStA Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences)

"Going backwards in terms of equality"
The fact that people should not be stigmatized or
discriminated against on the basis of their sexual and gender identity is set out in this very coalition agreement, which postulates a possible ban on gender-sensitive language in state and public institutions. This renunciation sends a signal for exclusion and against respectful treatment and recognition of individuals in our society! Another contradiction can be seen in the academic freedom and autonomy of universities mentioned in the coalition agreement. The LAK sees this as a restriction of freedom of speech and a step backwards in the recognition and visibility of female, non-binary and trans* people.
"It does no one any harm to use language that makes more people feel addressed,
especially because no one is forced to do so. There should be the freedom to address ALL students so that they feel seen."
(Mika McGee, Queer Referent, AStA Frankfurt UAS)

"Climate protection: more show than go"
Furthermore, the LAK sharply criticizes the insufficient efforts of effective climate protection measures at universities. A coalition agreement that advocates openness to technology but does not provide any specific incentives or legally defined framework conditions for climate-friendly action at universities is seen as lip service without any substantial effect.
"The popular phrase of openness to technology is the typical non-answer to the challenges of our time that already
exist. At university level in particular, we see a great opportunity to set a good example and take people in our society with us."
(Dominik Looks, AStA JLU Giessen)

"No research money for the military"
The LAK expresses deep concern about the announcement to review the civil clause at Hessian universities. It sees the review as a possible contradiction to academic freedom and the peaceful and civilian tradition of Hessian university research. It calls on the coalition partners to respect the importance of the civil clause and to uphold its spirit in academic policy. The LAK therefore supports the Hesse-wide initiative: "Hands off the civil clause".
"On the grounds of the university, our campus, the tools for brutal
colonialism, total war and the Holocaust have already been produced. The civil clause fought for by our fellow students reflects exactly that! We want a university that pursues the purpose of researching and teaching civilian solutions to global crises. Tanks and bullets are the exact opposite!"
(Roxana Sierocki AStA Uni Kassel)

The LAK calls on the coalition partners to include the needs and interests of students more strongly in their political decisions and to seek an open and constructive dialog with student representatives in order to ensure a fairer and more inclusive higher education landscape in Hesse

To the press release