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ABOUT LIFE - A discussion about life, survival and living together in the Anthropocene era

A discussion about life, survival and coexistence in the Anthropocene era

In times of the "Anthropocene", the discussed geological epoch in which humans are negotiated as a geophysical force, life presents us with completely new challenges. Talking about life in the face of a threatened planet also means discussing survival: Who survives whom or what? With whom do we live, survive and die - and who can this "we" actually be? This can help us not only to reflect on what survival can mean, but also to what extent we can find new and perhaps more appropriate terms and narratives for our planetary coexistence. The hope would be to be able to imagine a life, survival and coexistence that can take place on our planet, despite the temporal and spatial effects of global warming that exceed our horizon of experience.


Eva-Maria Aigner (philosopher, Vienna)

Lisa Hinterleitner (media and literary scholar, Kassel)

Maria Hornisch (literary scholar, Kassel)

Miriam Tag (sociologist and poet, Heidelberg)

Moderation: Martin Böhnert (philosopher, Kassel) and Annika Rink (cultural scientist, Kassel)


Museum for Sepulchral Culture

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