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08/22/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Two new Nextbike stations on campus

Image: University of Kassel.
Sebastian Ehlers from the AStA (left) and Jacob Wolf from the University of Kassel's Green Office welcome the new stations as an important contribution to promoting sustainability on campus.

Two new Nextbike stations have been set up in front of the LEO building in Moritzstraße and behind the ASL building on the North Campus in Gottschalkstraße.

The new stations are the result of a collaboration between the university and the AStA: the General Students' Committee (AStA) provided part of the funding and is Nextbike's contractual partner, while the university provided the necessary infrastructure.

With Nextbike, bikes can be rented throughout the city. Nextbike offers special conditions for students at the University of Kassel who register with their university address via the app or website. For example, the first 60 minutes of every rental within Germany are free of charge.