Recognition of your achievements abroad

Online Learning Agreement
The Online Learning Agreement is the central document of every Erasmus semester abroad. It is a trilateral study contract that is concluded between you, the University of Kassel and the host university. It sets out all the coursework to be completed at the host university. It also regulates the recognition of successfully completed courses at the University of Kassel.

The document must be completed and signed before the start of the mobility, but can be amended during the semester abroad.

A Learning Agreement that has been completed in full and submitted on time guarantees the recognition of the previously agreed coursework if it has been successfully completed.

The authorized signatories are the cooperation officers of the individual partner universities. You can find the contact details in the cooperation database under the relevant partnership.

The Learning Agreement is completed online. Participants will be given access to the platform in good time.

(European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)

You must gain at least 24 ECTS points as part of your Erasmus stay abroad organised through the University of Kassel. 

The General Rules of the University of Kassel (Section 20) form the legal basis for this.

Before your period of study abroad

  1. You plan your study period with the support of the International Office and the relevant academic adviser.
  2. Find out as much as you can about the range of courses at your host institution.
  3. Discuss your selection of courses and their later accreditation by the University of Kassel with the responsible academic adviser or those responsible for providing accreditation in your faculty.
  4. Draw up a learning agreement and have this signed by the academic adviser and the partner university.  

During your period of study

  1. Complete your period of study abroad.
  2. Coordinate any changes to your learning agreement with the academic adviser and have them confirmed in the learning agreement – during your period of mobility away from Kassel.  

After your period of study

  1. Your host university will send you a copy of the results obtained (transcript of records).
  2. Please contact the examinations office in your faculty regarding the accreditation of any results obtained abroad.
  3. The examinations office will register any results that are accredited.
  4. You need to submit the completed Erasmus accreditation certificate to the responsible examinations office and then hand it in at the International Office.  

Please note that these instructions indicate the general procedure. Each faculty has set additional guidelines. You can find the relevant contact partners here.

If you have problems with the recognition, first contact the responsible Departmental Coordinator and/or your examination office. If no agreement can be reached, please contact the responsible examination committee in your department. The International Office team provides advice on your rights in the recognition process.