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I Go:Green: Two interdisciplinary project seminars to be launched in SS 2024

In the summer semester 2024, two  interdisciplinary project seminars will be offered at the Green Office in cooperation with the Department of Architecture, Urban and Landscape Planning. Attendance of the project seminars can be recognized for Bachelor's and Master's degree courses as well as in the area of key competencies, in consultation with the respective examination offices. 

1. "Project seminar I Go:Green: Material exchange on the HoPla campus"

In this project seminar, students should design a materials exchange for model making, bookbinding, design-build projects and much more and prepare it for implementation. The material exchange is a place for collecting, processing and reusing different types of materials as well as a digital platform for archiving the available resources. The material exchange is intended to be an important part of establishing a circular economy on campus and supports SDG goal 12 "Sustainable production and consumption".

The project seminar is designed to be interdisciplinary and is aimed at MA and BA students from all departments. The relevance of the topic is directly evident in degree programs with a high volume of materials (including FB06 Architecture Urban Planning Landscape Planning, FB 14 Civil Engineering, Product Design Art College), but the economic perspective should also be taken (FB07 Economics, Industrial Engineering, Sustainable Management). The use of the material exchange will be open to all members of the University of Kassel.

The seminar will take place weekly and comprises 4 SWS. It is offered by the Department of Design in an Urban Context at the Institute of Architecture.

2. "Project Seminar I Go:Green: Caring and Sharing of University Space - Real-world laboratory for sustainable use of space at the university"

In the seminar "Caring and Sharing of University Space", students deal with the socio-ecological building turnaround, space sharing concepts, pedagogical space concepts, resource awareness and (spatial) sufficiency including space cushions in the form of a real laboratory in three planned focus blocks based on their own scarce working space situation. The seminar is open to students from all disciplines due to its transdisciplinary approach to the sufficient use of space, energy efficiency measures and participation opportunities. The results should be transferable (e.g. in the form of a manual) to space utilization issues at the entire university.

The project seminar is fundamentally interdisciplinary - from architecture, urban planning and landscape planning together with educational science - and is designed as a kind of "real laboratory": Each block couples theoretical input with a practical exercise section based on specific usage issues in ASL's existing workspaces and the associated outdoor campus space, as well as with existing and no longer used stored furniture. In an experimental setting, students acquire important key skills for the transformation towards a more socio-ecological use of space.

The seminar is offered by the Department of Construction and Project Development | ARCHITEKTUR STADT ÖKONOMIE at the Institute of Architecture.

The project seminars will soon be available in the course catalog .