Flexibilization in the teaching profession to attract new students (Flexwin)

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The Flexwin project "Flexibilization in the teaching profession to attract new students" was created in cooperation between the Core Studies Commission and the Centre for Teacher Education at the University of Kassel in order to specifically increase the attractiveness of the five teaching degree programmes at the university (teaching degree at elementary school, secondary schools, grammar schools, vocational schools and, from winter semester 2024/25, teaching degree for special needs education). The project's target group primarily includes professionally pre-qualified, non-traditional students who are interested in studying to become a teacher, e.g. as lateral entrants or career changers, but also enrolled students who regularly take on extracurricular commitments (e.g. employment, childcare) alongside their studies. Both groups of people have a proven need for flexible study conditions and formats. To date, however, the options for studying a teaching degree with restrictions on individual time commitments have not been comprehensively known or systematically processed. As part of an internal university survey, flexible study options are therefore being examined in the context of the five degree programs and both existing and promising measures to promote flexibility below the degree program level are being considered. Among other things, this includes identifying the potential and challenges of microcredentials - shorter learning and study opportunities with evidence of learning outcomes that serve a professional or personal need for further education - as a university qualification offer (e.g. for lateral and career changers). With the aim of clearly illustrating flexibilization options in studies, the knowledge gained in the Flexwin project will ultimately be bundled in the "Flexibilization Navigator" transparency tool, which will include a handout and a website.

Project management

Address/phone number/e-mail

Prof. Dr. Hedda Bennewitz

Nora-Platiel-Straße 1, Room 1218
Phone +49 561 804-2967
E-mail: hedda.bennewitz@uni-kassel.de 


Project team member


Address/phone number/e-mail

Jochen Schwarz           

Nora-Platiel-Straße 1, Room 1214
Phone +49 561 804-3729
E-mail: jschwarz[at]uni-kassel[dot]de




Simon Wenzel