Contact persons and examination office

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Function/NameAddress/phone number/e-mail

Student Services

First-Level-Support (student counseling by students)

Department 10 Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40
Room 1200
Phone: +49 561 804-4156
E-mail: studium-fb10[at]uni-kassel[dot]de



Chairman of the Examination Board
Bafög representative
Prof. Dr. Helge Martens


Department 10 Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40
Room 2145
Phone: +49 561 804-4359
E-mail: martens[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Student Advisory Service
Prof. Dr. Markus Maniak
Department 10 Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40
Room 1601 (IBC)
Phone: +49 561 804-4798
E-mail: maniak[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Student council (student representation)