Biology (teaching subject)

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The subject biology can be studied in the teacher training programs for secondary schools (Haupt- und Realschullehramt) and grammar schools (Gymnasiumlehramt). For the teaching profession at elementary schools, the subject biology belongs to the subarea of natural sciences of subject teaching.

General goals of the study program

The study program is designed to prepare students for their work as teachers with a teaching qualification in biology in terms of subject knowledge and subject didactics.

The focus is on the acquisition of specialist knowledge about the laws of biological processes at all organizational levels of living systems and the diverse relationships of organisms to the environment and to humans. As well as the ability to develop the students' ability to experience nature and their readiness to deal responsibly with nature and their own bodies.

Tips for the study of biology

  • Biology courses are usually held at the AVZ (Heinrich-Plett-Str.) in Oberzwehren.
  • Detailed information can be found on the website of the Institute of Biology.
  • A detailed description of the subject can be found in the current examination regulations.

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