Introduction and start of studies

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Introductory events

In the orientation tutorial, you will be supervised by two experienced students together with other first-year students. These experienced students offer you information and advice on all questions that are important for a successful start to your studies, such as

  • Which courses can and should I attend in the first semester?
  • What are seminars actually? What is the difference between a preparatory course, lecture, seminar or tutorial?
  • How do I create my timetable?
  • What are module examination regulations?
  • How do I find my way around campus? Where can I find my seminar room, lecture hall, library or cafeteria?
  • How do I get access to online seminars?
  • How do I log into the university's W-Lan? How do I configure my university mailbox?
  • What do I have to do in lectures, seminars and tutorials? What are study and examination achievements?

The orientation tutorials also give you the opportunity to get to know the university and the city of Kassel together with other first-year students.

Experience shows: Friendships made during the orientation days often last a lifetime.

The orientation tutorials start with a welcome by the Dean of Studies Prof. Eis on 07.10.24 at 10.00 a.m. in lecture hall 2 in Diagonale 3!

Please register for your orientation tutorial here  Registration form

For further questions please contact:

Tanja Schöttner

Nora-Platiel-Str. 1 , Room 2307 (2nd floor)

+49 561 804-3440

@ studienkoordination-fb05[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

You only need to attend one day. The dates are identical in terms of content and are intended to provide alternatives for overlapping dates. 

Tuesday, 15.10.24
Time: 2 - 4 p.m.
Location: Campus Center - Room 1112
Persons: all History lecturers


Wednesday, 16.10.24
Time: 12 - 2 p.m.
Location: Campus Center - Room 1112
Persons: all History lecturers

We look forward to getting to know you!

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