Introduction and start of studies
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The most important dates and offers for the start of studies
At the University of Kassel there is not the an introductory event. Rather, there is an extensive offer of different "Veranstalter:innen":
- On the one hand, the departments offer an official program. This type of introductory event is about the subject of study: What is this subject thematically about? Which majors are offered in Kassel? Which professors and subject areas determine the content? So: by all means attend and ask questions!
- For some (not all) courses and subjects we recommend participation in preliminary courses. Pre-courses are aimed at first-year students who would like to refresh their knowledge in certain subjects. The preliminary courses start before the introduction dates.
- Often the student councils also offer introductory courses. The student council is part of the student self-organization and deals with the specific questions of the students of a department. In terms of content, it deals with questions about the course of studies, the organization of the curriculum, the organization of learning and examinations. The student councils thus offer help with the question of how best to study this subject.
- In addition, there are "welcome events": First semester welcome, offers for students with children, offers for international students.
What are preliminary courses?
For some degree programs and subjects, we recommend participation in preliminary courses. Pre-courses are aimed at first-year students who would like to refresh their knowledge in mathematics. There are several pre-courses. The courses last between four and six weeks and take place before the actual start of lectures. For the elementary school teaching profession and the subjects mathematics and physical education, the courses Intensive 4 or Compact 4 are recommended:
More detailed information on the introductory events organized by TEACH for students can be found here.
Who or what is TEACH?
TEACH stands for "Traditionelle Erstsemestereinführung am Campus und Hörsaal". We are a group of student teachers from all teaching disciplines and subjects who offer support to first semester students during their first exciting days at the University of Kassel. As part of the teaching student council, we organize the introductory days for first-semester teachers from the student side and plan information events and a varied supporting programme for you! We look forward to seeing you!
Welcome & information for all teacher training courses
Monday, 14.10.24
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Location: Campus Holländischer Platz, Campus Center, Moritzst. 18, Lecture Hall 1
- Welcome from the ZLB Directorate by Prof. Dr. Claudia Schlaak, presentation ASTA, presentation Language Center, presentation Teach
- Information from the Student Advisory Service for Teacher Education (Carolena Papanikolau)
Division into groups L1 Primary School, L2 Secondary School, L3 Grammar School, L4 Vocational and Business Education, L5 Special Needs Education
Introduction to the individual teacher training courses, time for questions and break
Time: 12:00 to 14:00
L 1 : Stay in lecture hall 1 - TEACH
L 2 : Arnold-Bode-Str. 12 (lecture hall 4) - TEACH
L 3 : Arnold-Bode-Str. 12 (lecture hall 5) - TEACH
L 4 : Arnold-Bode-Str. 12 (lecture hall 6) - TEACH
L 5 : Diagonale 5, (lecture hall 3), room 0504 - Julia Heiderich
Introduction to core studies for all teacher training courses
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
L1, L2, L5 Campus Holländischer Platz, Campus Center, Moritzst. 18, Hörsaal 2
L3 and L4 Campus Holländischer Platz, Campus Center, Moritzst. 18, lecture hall 1
Student evening program/ TEACH
Time: from 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, 15.10.24
As a rule, introductions to the individual subjects are offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at different times. Participation is only necessary on one date (time and place can be found online under Dates of elective subjects)
Timetable advice & offers from TEACH
Time: 13:00 - 17:00
Location: Georg- Forster Str. 4
Rooms: 1004, 2004, 3004
"Does it fit like this?" "Have I now taken all the courses I need to take?" If you are still unsure, we are happy to offer you help and support in creating your timetable. We can provide you with all the important information about your teaching degree and studies. And if you still have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help!
Student evening program/ TEACH
Time: from 17:00
Wednesday, 16.10.24
As a rule, introductions to the individual subjects are offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at different times. Participation is only necessary on one date (time and place can be found online under dates of electives)
Monday, 14.10.24
Location: Campus Holländischer Platz, Campus Center
Lecture hall 2 (room 1122) for elementary school teachers, secondary school teachers and teachers of special needs education
Lecture hall 1 (room 1139) for secondary school teachers and teachers of vocational schools
Welcome and introduction to the core study program
from approx. 14:00 to 14:30
followed by study program-specific tutorials
from approx. 14:30 to 16:00
Experienced students will design this introduction, which is tailored to your degree program. There will also be time to answer your questions.
You can find your tutorial here:
Lehramt an Haupt- und Realschule (L2):
- Campus Holländischer Platz, Campus Center, Lecture hall 6 (room 2113)
We look forward to seeing you!
Course period: 22.04.25 - 25.07.25
In the summer semester 2025, the introductory events will take place on Tuesday, April 22. The courses will also begin on this day. The introductory events are to be given priority over the courses in any case.
Tuesdays after Whitsun (8-9 June 25) and so-called bridge days (Fridays after Ascension Day 29.05.25 and Corpus Christi 19.06.25) are not event-free.
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