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If you are interested in repeating any of these events, just email us at
Events winter semester 2024/2025
25.10.2024 | Working in Germany for international students Online Seminar | Joslyn Petri |
25.10.2024 | Working in Germany Online seminar | Renata Moreira |
07.11.2024 | The German Job hunt Online seminar | Joslyn Petri |
11.11.2024 | What am I worth? Pricing and calculation for artists Online seminar | Alexander Bretz |
13.11.2024 | Negotiation training and the most important clauses for artists Online seminar | Katja Dunkel |
13.11.2024 | Writing your application I: CV Online seminar | Renata Moreira |
19.11.2024 | The perfect application?! November Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
20.11.2024 | Writing your application II: Cover Letter Online-Seminar | Renata Moreira |
20.11.2024 | Application training: The job interview - November Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
21.11.2024 | Salary for starting a career - tips and strategies Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
26.11.2024 | All about internships Online seminar | Joslyn Petri |
27.11.2024 | Personal Branding & Networking: Strengthen your professional presence and build valuable connections - with LinkedIn, XING & Co. Online-Seminar | Constance Böhme |
20.01.2025 | Basic knowledge on self-employment for artists and designers Part 1 Online seminar | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
27.01.2025 | Basic knowledge of self-employment for artists and designers part 2 Online-Seminar | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
28.01.2025 | The hidden job market for humanities scholars and social scientists Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
29.01.2025 | The perfect application! January Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
30.01.2025 | Application training: The job interview - January Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
Events summer semester 2024
12.03.2024 | The perfect application?! March Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
03.05.2024 | Working in Germany Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
03.05.2024 | Working in Germany Online seminar | Renata Moreira |
06.05.2024 | Finding work & writing applications for international students Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
08.05.2024 | The German Job hunt Online seminar | Renata Moreira |
13.05.2024 | Preparation for the meet@ - Uni Kassel Job fair Online-Seminar | Renata Moreira |
13.05.2024 | meet Job application training Online seminar | Birgit Klaus |
22.05.2024 | Writing your application I: CV Online seminar | Renata Moreira |
28.05.2024 | The perfect application?! May Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
29.05.2024 | Writing your application II: Cover Letter Online-Seminar | Renata Moreira |
29.05.2024 | Interview Tips for English Speaking Jobs Online-Seminar | Matthew Venick |
29.05.2024 | Application training: The job interview - May Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
04.06.2024 | Self-care, stress management and resilience Online seminar | Sophia Pompéry |
04.06.2024 | The hidden job market for humanities scholars and social scientists Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
05.06.2024 | All about internships Online seminar | Matthew Venick |
26.06.2024 | What's my business? Portfolio workshop Online seminar | Birgit Effinger |
10.07.2024 | The perfect application?! July Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
11.07.2024 | The job interview Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
Events winter semester 2023/2024
12.10.2023 | "How Germans Get Jobs And You Can, Too"? Online-Seminar | Matthew Venick |
31.10.2023 | Working in Germany Online Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
31.10.2023 | Working in Germany Online seminar | Renata Moreira |
01.11.2023 | Finding work & writing applications for international students Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
08.11.2023 | The German Job hunt Online seminar | Renata Moreira |
15.11.2023 | Writing your application I: CV Online seminar | Renata Moreira |
20.11.2023 | The perfect application!?! (November) Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
21.11.2023 | Application training - The job interview (November) Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
22.11.2023 | Writing your application II: Cover letter Online-Seminar | Renata Moreira |
22.11.2023 | The hidden job market for humanities scholars and social scientists Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
29.11.2023 | All about internships Online seminar | Matthew Venick |
06.12.2023 | The perfect application! (December) Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
07.12.2023 | Application training - The job interview (December) Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
24.01.2024 | The perfect application! (January) Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
25.01.2024 | Application training - The job interview (January) Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
26.01.2024 | Insurance and protection for creative professionals Online-Seminar | Jan Käpernick |
29.01.2024 | Artists' social insurance - the unknown entity? Online seminar | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
Events summer semester 2023
25.04.2023 | Working in Germany Online Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
25.04.2023 | Working inGermany Online Seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
27.04.2023 | Finding a job & Writing applications for international students Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
03.05.2023 | Rights in internships and part-time jobs Seminar | DGB u. Ver.di |
04.05.2023 | Personal Branding & Networking: let yourself be seen & build a Professional Network with LinkedIn Online-Seminar | Constance Böhme |
08.05.2023 | The German Job hunt & Preparing for meet@Uni Kassel Seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
08.05.2023 | meet@uni-kassel Job Application Training Online-Seminar | Birgit Klaus, IQB |
12.05.2023 | Career Coaching I - What are my strengths and weaknesses? Seminar | Denise Hinn |
16.05.2023 | The hidden job market for humanities and social scientists Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
17.05.2023 | Writing your application I: CV Online-Seminar | Sioir Hammadi |
23.05.2023 | The perfect application!?! (May) Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
24.05.2023 | Writing your application II: Cover letter Online-Seminar | Sioir Hammadi |
24.05.2023 | Application training - The job interview (May) Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
13.06.2023 | Public speaking strategies and techniques for career success Hybrid-Seminar | Roland Ngole |
22.06.2023 | Interview Tips for English speaking Jobs Online-Seminar | Matt Vernick |
26.06.2023 | Self-employment for artists and designers I Online-Seminar | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
28.06.2023 | The perfect job application!?! (June) Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
29.06.2023 | Application Training - The Job Interview (June) Online-Seminar | Jens Behrman |
30.06.2023 | Career Coaching II - What are my potentials and where do I want to go? Seminar | Denise Hinn |
03.07.2023 | Self-employment for artists and designers II Online-Seminar | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
05.07.2023 | All about internships Online-Seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
Events WS 2022/23
Events summer semester 2022
21.04.2022 | Working in Germany Online Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
21.04.2022 | Working inGermany Online Seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
05.05.2022 | meet@uni-kassel Application Training 05.05. Online Seminar | Birgit Klaus, IQB |
09.05.2022 | Self-employment for artists and designers, part 1 Online-Seminar | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
09.05.2022 | The German Job hunt & Preparing for meet@Uni Kassel Seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
09.05.2022 | meet@uni-kassel Job Application Training 09.05. Online Seminar | Birgit Klaus, IQB |
16.05.2022 | Self-employment for artists and designers, part 2 Online-Seminar | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
20.05.2022 | Leadership Competence: Leading with Personality and Power Seminar | Annette Blumenschein |
23.05.2022 | Application Training - The Job Interview Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
24.05.2022 | The hidden job market for humanities and social scientists Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
31.05.2022 | The perfect application!?! Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
31.05.2022 | Meet & Stulle - Next Generation Chef:in Seminar | Nexxt now - Initiative for Company Succession |
01.06.2022 | Career Coaching I - What are my strengths and weaknesses? Seminar | Denise Hinn |
02.06.2022 | Writing your application: CV & Cover letter Seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
08.06.2022 | Master or career entry? Seminar | Andrea Braun & Jens Behrmann |
10.06.2022 | Personal Branding & Networking: let yourself be seen & build a Professional Network Online-Seminar | Constance Böhme |
22.06.2022 | "Something with culture? Job Market Culture Management Online-Seminar | Dirk Schutz |
23.06.2022 | Working while studying in Germany Online-Seminar | Concetta Mugavero, Studierendenwerk Uni Kassel |
30.06.2022 | Career Coaching II - What are my potentials and where do I want to go? Seminar | Denise Hinn |
08.07.2022 | Interview Tips for English speaking Jobs Online-Seminar | Matt Venick |
10.08.2022 | Finding a job & Writing applications for international students Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
Events winter semester 2021/22
25.10. | Working in Kassel & Germany for international students Online Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
25.10. | Working in Kassel & Germany for international students Online seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
28.10. | Working in Germany Online seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
02.11. | The German Job Hunt Online Seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
05.11. | Your Workplace: The World - The Senior Foreign Service as a Career Perspective Online-Seminar | Ann-Jasmin Krabatsch, Federal Foreign Office |
09.11. | Writing your application: Cover letter Online seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
11.11. | Preparing for Online Job Fairs Online seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
11.11. | Meet - Application Training Online Seminar | Birgit Klaus |
16.11. | Preparing for meet@uni-kassel online seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
26.11. | Career Coaching I - What are my strengths and weaknesses? Online seminar | Denise Hinn |
02.12. | Career Coaching II - What are my potentials and where do I want to go? Online seminar | Denise Hinn |
07.12. | Looking for an egg-laying mother - reading job advertisements the right way Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
09.12. | The hidden job market for humanities and social scientists Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
13.12. | Application training - cover letter Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
14.12. | Application training - Resume Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
15.12. | Application training - The job interview Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
13.01. | Interview Tips for English speaking Jobs Online-Seminar | Matt Venick |
17.01. | Getting the most out of your Economics Behavior and Governance's degree Online seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
20.01. | From Creation to Money Online seminar | David Herzog |
24.01. | Preparatory meeting meet@uni-kassel Online seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
26.01 | Master or career entry Online Seminar | Jens Behrmann, Andrea Braun |
31.01. | Applying for jobs with your International Food Business and Consumer Studies's degree Online Seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
10.02. | All about Internships Online Seminar | Juliana Campos Mühlenhoff |
Events summer semester 2021
09.04 | Working in Germany Online seminar | Matt Venick |
12.04 | Application training - cover letter Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
13.04 | Application training - CV Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
16.04 | The German Job Hunt Online seminar | Matt Venick |
23.04 | Writing Your Application - Part I: CV Online seminar | Matt Venick |
26.04 | Voluntary services - time for practical experience and career orientation Online seminar | Katharina Leinius |
30.04 | Putting your GPED degree to use Online seminar | Matt Venick |
30.04 | Writing Your Application - Part II: Live CV Writing Workshop Online seminar | Matt Venick |
07.05 | Writing Your Application - Part III: Cover Letter Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
10.05 | Job Search & Networking on LinkedIn, Xing & co Online seminar | Constance Böhme |
10.05 | Self-employment for artists and designers, part 1 Online seminar | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
14.05 | Writing Your Application - Part IV: Live Cover Letter Writing Workshop Online seminar | Matt Venick |
17.05 | Self-employment for artists and designers, Part 2 Online seminar | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
19.05 | Finding work and writing applications for international students Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
20.05 | Application training meet 2021 Online seminar | Birgit Klaus |
21.05 | Preparing for Online Job Fairs Online seminar | Matt Venick |
26.05 | Preparing for meet@uni-kassel Online seminar | Matt Venick |
26.05 | Preparation meeting meet@uni-kassel Online seminar | Birgit Klaus, IQB and Jens Behrmann, Career Service |
27.05 | meet@uni-kassel Online Job Fair | IQB |
11.06 | Getting the most out of your Economics Behavior and Governance's degree Online-Seminar | Matt Venick |
11.06 | Interview Tips for English speaking Jobs Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
16.06 | The job interview Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
21.06 | Structuring your future with vision boards? This is how it works! Online seminar | Denise Hinn |
25.06 | Applying for jobs with your International Food Business and Consumer Studies's degree Online seminar | Matt Venick |
25.06 | All about Internships Online seminar | Matt Venick |
28.06 | Working while studying - What do I need to consider? Online seminar | Mike Pillardy and Concetta Mugavero from the Social Counseling & Student Financing team of the Studierendenwerk, Jens Behrmann, Career Service |
02.07 | Writing Your CV Online seminar | Matt Venick |
05.07 | The career anchor test for the right career choice Online seminar | Denise Hinn |
06.07 | Application training - cover letter Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
07.07 | Application training - CV Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
09.07 | Writing Your Cover Letter Online seminar | Matt Venick |
14.07. | Master or career entry Online seminar | Jens Behrmann, Andrea Braun |
16.07 | The German Job Hunt (Advanced) Online seminar | Matt Venick |
13.08 | All about Internships Online seminar | Matt Venick |
20.08 | Writing Your CV Online seminar | Matt Venick |
03.09 | Writing Your Cover Letter Online seminar | Matt Venick |
17.09 | Interview Tips for English speaking Jobs Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
Events winter semester 2020/21
10.11 | Master or career entry? Online seminar | Jens Behrmann, Andrea Braun |
12.11 | Working in Germany - Part 1: The Basics Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
13.11 | Working in Germany - Part 2: Cultural Differences Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
16.11 | Online Journalism: A Look Behind the Scenes Online Seminar | Jan-Frederik Wendt |
17.11 | Strategic public relations and communication Online seminar | Christian Stadali |
20.11 | The German Job Hunt Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
23.11 | meet@uni-kassel-Application Training 2020 Online-Seminar | Birgit Klaus, IQB |
26.11 | Writing Your Application - Part I: CV Online-Seminar | Matt Venick |
27.11 | Writing Your Application - Part II: Cover Letter Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
30.11 | Preparing for meet@uni-kassel 2020 Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
02.12 | Preparatory meeting meet@uni-kassel Online-Seminar | Birgit Klaus, IQB |
03.12 | Company contact fair meet@uni-kassel Online fair |
04.12 | Leadership competence: Leading with personality and power Online seminar | Annette Blumenschein |
11.12 | Successful job hunting! Career entry for international students Online seminar | Various |
14.12 | Application training - The cover letter Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
15.12 | Application training - The resume Online seminar | Jens Behrmann |
15.01 | The German Job Hunt Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
20.01 | The Job Interview Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
22.01 | Preparing for Online Job Fairs Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
25.01 | Working in the Public Sector - The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) Online Seminar | Carsten Rossner |
26.01 | The hidden job market for humanities and social scientists Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
29.01 | Interview Strategies and Tips for English Speaking Jobs Online Seminar | Matt Venick |
01.02 | Job Application Training -Practical Examples Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann |
05.02 | All about Internships Online-Seminar | Matt Venick |
Events summer semester 2020
07.05., 02.07. | Application training: Cover letter | |
12.05. | Application Training: Resume | |
14.05. | Application training: Job interview | |
18.05. | Application training: Job search | |
19.05. | The hidden job market for humanities and social scientists | |
26.05. | Job application training: practical example | |
27.05. | Networking the right way - making contacts and using them professionally Online-Seminar | Birgit Klaus | |
04.06. | Salary negotiation - tips and strategies | |
05.06. | Working in Germany (Part 1) | |
09.06. | International Development Cooperation: GIZ | |
12.06. | Working in Germany (Part 1) Online-Seminar | Matt Venick | |
25.06. | Job Search and Networking with LinkedIn, Xing & Co Online-Seminar | Constance Böhme | |
26.06. | Working during Coronavirus Online-Seminar | Hoa Bach | |
30.06. | Working in Radio - HIT RADIO FFH | |
06.07. | The social insurance for artists and designers Online-Seminar | Dr. Maria Kräuter | |
10.07. | Writing your Applications Online-Seminar | Matt Venick | |
15.07. | Finding a job & Writing applications for international students Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann | |
29.07. | Master or career entry Online-Seminar | Andrea Braun, Jens Behrmann | |
11.09. | Cultural Differences at Work Online-Seminar | Matt Venick | |
23.09. | The Job Interview Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann | |
25.09. | The German Job Hunt Online-Seminar | Matt Venick | |
29.09. | Application Training - The Cover Letter Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann | |
01.10. | Application Training- The Resume Online-Seminar | Jens Behrmann | |
09.10. | Writing your Applications - Part 1 Online-Seminar | Matt Venick | |
23.10. | Writing your Applications- Part 2 Online-Seminar | Matt Venick |
Events winter semester 2019/20
26.11., 23.01.
| The perfect application?! Workshop| Jens Behrmann | |
06.11. | My way into an internship Lecture| Various | |
13.11. | Protection by patents, trademarks and designs Lecture | Dr. Heike Krömker | |
14.11. | Practical Seminar Public Relations and Communication Workshop | Christian Stadali | |
18.11. | Career prospects in the event and communications industry Workshop | Giorgos Kalaitzis | |
20.11. | The first 100 days on the job (in cooperation with Zeit Campus) Panel discussion & Workshops | Various | |
18.11. | Working in a social media agency Lecture | Lars Bossemeyer | |
03.12. | "Something with Politics?" From university to the Bundestag | |
06.12. | Master or career entry? Workshop | Jens Behrmann, Andrea Braun | |
09.12. | The job interview Workshop | Jens Behrmann | |
13.12. | Get that Job! Applying and Interviewing for Jobs in English Workshop | Andrew Cerniski | |
20.01. | Job Application Training in English Workshop | Alan Cordell | |
21.01. | German Business Coaching Workshop | Alan Cordell | |
28.01. | Working in the Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration: Career Opportunities in the Public Sector Lecture | Lysann Wehner | |
28.01. | Fuckup Slam "Study Doubt | |
06.02. | Doubt as an opportunity - speed dating for study dropouts |
Events summer semester 2019
11.04., 24.06. | The perfect application?! Workshop| Jens Behrmann | |
06.05. | Job Application Training in English Workshop| Alan Cordell | |
08.05. | My way to an internship Lecture| Diverse | |
09.05. | The hidden job market for humanities graduates Workshop| Jens Behrmann | |
13.05. | meet@uni-kassel 2019 Application Training Workshop| Oliver Gall | |
14.05. | Strategies and concepts for live communication and event marketing Workshop| Giorgos Kalaitzis | |
20.05. | Self-employment for artists and designers Workshop | Dr. Maria Kräuter | |
21.05. | Webinar: Application Creation Webinar| Jens Behrmann | |
22.05. | The first employment contract Lecture| Lawyer Rudolf Schramm | |
24.05. | Master or career entry? Workshop| Andrea Braun, Jens Behrmann | |
| Something with media? Working in television Lecture| Alexandra Pitronik | |
04.06. | The job interview Workshop| Jens Behrmann | |
06.06. | Working in a foundation - the Max Weber Foundation Lecture| Dr. Tina Rudersdorf | |
13.06. | Development policy and cooperation Lecture| Dr. Andreas Stamm | |
26.06. | The automotive supplier Continental Lecture| various |
Events winter semester 2018/19
05.11., 05.12. 22.01. | The perfect application?! Workshop| Jens Behrmann | |
08.10. | Practical seminar public relations Workshop| Christian Stadali | |
07.11. | My way into an internship Lecture| Various | |
13.11. | Political consulting as a profession Lecture | Norbert Theihs | |
21.11. | Career goal 'Something with media'? Practical input: 4 media makers inform Lecture| Various | |
28.11. | The job interview Workshop| Jens Behrmann | |
03.12. | Marketing for Humanities and Social Sciences Workshop | Dr. Dirk Schröter | |
11.12. | Something with Culture? Labor Market Culture Management Lecture | Dirk Schütz | |
14.12. | Master or career entry? Workshop | Andrea Braun, Jens Behrmann | |
17.12. | Professional field of development policy and cooperation Lecture | Dr. Heike Kuhn, BMZ | |
17.01. | Get that Job! Applying and Interviewing for Jobs in English Workshop | Andrew Cerniski | |
24.01. | The hidden job market for humanities scholars Lecture | Jens Behrmann |
Events summer semester 2018
04.04., 26.06.
| The perfect application?! Workshop| Jens Behrmann |
24.04. | Introduction to the German Job Market Lecture| Alan Cordell |
07.05. | The hidden job market for humanities graduates Workshop| Jens Behrmann |
14.05. | meet 2018 Job Application Training Workshop | Oliver Gall |
23.05. | My way into an internship Lecture| Jens Behrmann et al. |
24.05. | International Development Cooperation: GIZ Lecture| Frank Seifarth, GIZ |
04.06. | Assessment Center Training Workshop| Holger Helming, UP CONSULTING |
07.06. | Corporate Communications at the B.Braun Group Lecture | Dr. Wolfgang Schrammel |
12.06. | Job Application Training in English Workshop | Alan Cordell |
18.06. | Self-employment for artists and designers Workshop | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
20.06. | The hidden job market for scientists Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
22.06. | Master or career entry? Workshop | Andrea Braun, Jens Behrmann |
Events winter semester 2017/2018
11.10., 28.11. & 18.01. | The perfect application?! Workshop| Jens Behrmann |
09.11. | The hidden job market for humanities graduates Workshop| Jens Behrmann |
14.11. | Practical Seminar Public Relations and Communication Workshop | Christian Stadali |
22.11. | Job Application Training in English Workshop | Alan Cordell |
29.11. | My way into an internship Lecture | Jens Behrmann |
04.12. | The hidden job market for Wiwis Workshop| Jens Behrmann |
06.12. | The first employment contract Lecture| Rudolf Schramm, lawyer |
12.12. | Basics of event management Workshop| Giorgos Kalaitzis |
15.12. | Master or career entry? Workshop | Andrea Braun, Jens Behrmann |
10.01. | Working in an NGO - Greenpeace Lecture | Ingrid Meyer, Greenpeace |
Events Summer Semester 2017
| meet@uni-kassel 2017 - Application Training Workshop | Oliver Gall |
| Self-employment for artists and designers Workshop| Dr. Maria Kräuter |
23.05. | Working in radio - the Hessian Broadcasting Corporation Lecture| Isabella von der Recke, team leader moderation hr4 |
29.05. | Personnel management at Daimler AG Lecture | Hauke Schuler, Head of Human Resources at Daimler AG |
08.06. | Corporate Communications as a Career Lecture | Ingo Pijanka, Press Officer Kasseler Verkehrs- und Versorgungs-GmbH |
12.06. | Cultural management as a profession - the theater as an example Lecture | Insa Pijanka, Orchestra Director of the Kassel State Theater |
20.06. | The professional world of archives and libraries Lecture | Dr. Stephan Schwenke, Head of Kassel City Archive |
26.06. | Assessment Center Training Workshop | Holger Helming (UP Consulting GmbH) |
28.06. | Interpreting Job Advertisements Workshop| Alan Cordell |
03.07. | Organizational Development at the Lufthansa Group Lecture| Jutta Saafan, Change Management at the Lufthansa Group |
06.07. | Job Application Training in English Workshop | Alan Cordell |
Events winter semester 2016/2017
| The perfect cover letter?! Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
12.10. & 31.01. | The perfect job application?! Workshop| Jens Behrmann |
14.10. | Internship abroad: planning, finding, financing Workshop| Alan Cordell, Mirren Augustin |
27.10. | Working in Germany Workshop | Alan Cordell |
02.11. | Project Management for Humanities and Social Sciences Workshop | Dr. Dirk Schröter |
08.11. | Something with Culture? Job Market Culture Management Lecture | Dirk Schütz (Kulturpersonal GmbH) |
09.11. | My way into an internship Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
10.11. | Voice and career (for women) Workshop | Anna Heidrun Schmitt |
16.11. | Searching and finding an internship (for FB02 & FB05) Workshop| Jens Behrmann |
21.11. | The perfect application?! (for FB02 & FB05) Workshop| Jens Behrmann |
28.11. | The hidden job market for humanities graduates Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
29.11. | Your Job: The World - Working at the United Nations Lecture | Michael Seckler (UNRIC) |
30.11. | The perfect job application?! (for Wiwis) Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
01.12. | Assessment Center Training Workshop | Holger Helming |
07.12. | The hidden job market (for Wiwis) Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
08.12. | Human Resources Management at Continental AG Lecture | Dr. Thomas Fölsch (Continental AG) |
13.12. & 01.02. | The job interview Workshop | Birte Küper |
17.01. | Working in a foundation - the Max Weber Foundation |
18.01. | Working in an NGO - Human Rights Watch Lecture | Wolfgang Büttner (Human Rights Watch) |
19.01. | Self-employment for artists and designers Workshop | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
24.01. | Interpreting job advertisements Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
25.01. | Job Application Training in English Workshop | Alan Cordell |
27.01. | Master or Career Entry? Workshop | Jens Behrmann, Andrea Braun |
30.01. | The perfect application?! (for art studies) Workshop | Birte Küper |
30.01. | Organizational development for humanities scholars Workshop | Mirjam Weigand |
27.03.-30.03. | Business Administration for Humanities and Social Scientists Workshop | Dr. Dirk Schröter |
Events summer semester 2016
04.04. & 21.06. | The perfect application?! Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
06.04. | Arbeiten in Deutschland/ Working in Germany Lecture | Josefine Oley/ Alan Cordell, Matteo Settenvini |
08.04. | Internship abroad: planning, finding, financing Short Workshop | Alan Cordell, Mirren Augustin |
03.05. | Voice and career (for women) Workshop | Anna Heidrun Schmitt |
09.05. | Working in Tourism Lecture | Herbert Lang, Ute Schulte |
10.05. & 05.07. | The hidden job market for humanities graduates Workshop| Jens Behrmann |
11.05. | My way into an internship Workshop| Jens Behrmann |
12.05. | meet@uni-kassel 2016 - Application training Workshop | Oliver Gall |
17.05. | Salary for the career entry Lecture | Sascha Coenen |
18.05. | The job interview Workshop | Josefine Oley |
23.05. | The perfect application?! for FB 02 and FB 05 Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
24.05. | Assessment Center Training Workshop | Lars Grewe |
30.05. | Working for the economy - the chambers Lecture | Dr. Matthias Joseph, Walter Ruß |
30.05. | The perfect application?! for the arts Workshop | Birte Küper |
01.06. | Master or career entry? Workshop | Jens Behrmann, Andrea Braun |
06.06. | Field of Activity Culture Lecture | Dorothée Rhiemeier |
08.06. | The first employment contract |
09.06. | Press and public relations in the company Lecture | Sandra Hübner |
13.06. | Online communication using the example of B.Braun Lecture | Matthias Koslowski, Kathrin Kleinicke |
14.06. | Adult education as a professional field Lecture | Dr. Christiane Ehses |
15.06. | Personnel development Lecture | Sandra Lambrecht |
20.06. | Political consulting as a profession Lecture | Dr. Alex Föller |
22.06. | Labor Market Football Lecture | Danny Johns |
23.06. | Journalism - a dream job? Workshop | Dr. Susanne Stracke-Neumann |
28.06. | Internship - searching and finding FB 02 and FB 05 Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
29.06. | The perfect application?! for Wiwis Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
30.06. | Development policy and cooperation Lecture | Dr. Andreas Stamm |
06.07. | The hidden job market for Wiwis Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
13.07. | The job interview Workshop | Birte Küper |
20.09.- 23.09. | Event marketing and live communication Workshop | Giorgos Kalaitzis |
Events winter semester 2015/16
| Master or career entry? Workshop | Jens Behrmann, Andrea Braun |
09.11. | Job Market Cultural Management Lecture | Dirk Schütz |
11.11. | Application Training after the PhD - Get that Job! Workshop | Andrew Cerniski |
17.11. | Personnel development as a professional field Workshop | Dr. Silja Kotte |
19.11. | Assessment Center Training Workshop | Patricia Korella |
23.11. | The academic library - ways into the job Lecture | Dr. Thomas Bündgen |
25.11. | Press and Public Relations: Insights of a Press Officer Lecture| Ingo Happel-Emrich |
02.12. | The Higher Foreign Service as a career perspective Lecture| Dirk Sander |
07.12. | Self-marketing Workshop| Dipl.-Kffr. Annette Blumenschein |
08.12. | Careers and jobs at the Bertelsmann Stiftung Lecture| Armando García Schmidt, Ulla Külker |
09.12. | Basics of press and public relations work Workshop | Christian Stadali |
09.12. | The perfect job application for wizards Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
10.12. | Working at HNA or: Everyday life in an online editorial office Lecture| Jens Nähler |
20.01. | Self-employment for artists and designers Workshop | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
20.01. | The hidden job market for Wiwis Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
21.01. | Occupational fields Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
25.01. | The perfect application: For FB02 and FB05 Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
27.01. | Professions at the theater |
27.01. | Speculative application for Wiwis Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
28.01. | Communication in the workplace Workshop | Dr. phil. Imke-Marie Badur |
28.01. | The job interview Workshop | Josefine Oley |
02.02. | Interpreting job advertisements Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
04.02. | The hidden job market for humanities graduates Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
28.10.,04.11. 16.12.,19.01. | The perfect application?! Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
18.01.,25.01. 29.02. | Application training Workshop | Josefine Oley |
29.03.-31.03. | Public relations - a practical introduction Workshop | Christian Stadali |
Events summer semester 2015
| Voice and profession (for women) Workshop | Anna Heidrun Schmitt |
11.05. | Working at & with job boards Lecture | Valeria Geritzen |
12.05. | meet@uni-kassel 2015 - job application training workshop | Oliver Gall |
18.05. | Making a career with art Lecture | Anette Schwarz |
20.05. | Journalism - a dream job? Workshop | Dr. Susanne Stracke-Neumann |
28.05. | Something about (vocational) education Lecture | Torben Padur |
02.06. | Something with Politics? From the University of Kassel to the Bundestag Lecture | Nicole Maisch |
08.06. | Working in an NGO - Online Campaigner at WWF Lecture | Markus Winkler |
11.06. | The first employment contract Lecture | Rudolf Schramm |
12.06. | Master or career entry? Workshop | Andrea Braun, Jens Behrmann |
17.06. | International Development Cooperation: GIZ Lecture | Frank Seifarth |
18.06. | Working in a museum - dream job or pipe dream? Lecture | Anja Schaluschke, Dr. Karsten Gaulke |
22.06. | Operational social work Lecture | ias-Group |
23.06. | Successful in the job through soft skills for int. students Workshop | Petra Bücher |
24.06. | "Just a short time to save the world" - Professional field of consulting Workshop | Carsten Becker |
13.05. & 27.05. | Students into internship (for different departments) Workshop | Jens Behrmann et al. |
06.05. & 30.06. | Interpreting job advertisements (for different departments) Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
10.04., 26.05. 16.06., 22.06. 01.07., 29.07. | The perfect application? (for different departments) Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
28.09. - 30.09. | Marketing for Humanities and Social Sciences Workshop | Dr. Dirk Schröter |
Events winter semester 2014/15
| Self-marketing Workshop | Annette Blumenschein |
30.10. | Foundations as employers - the Max Weber Foundation Lecture | Dr. Tina Rudersdorf |
04.11. | Archiving as a profession Workshop | Dr. Karsten Uhde |
05.11. | Assessment Center Training Workshop | Lars Grewe |
06.11. | Jobs in Market Research - Nielsen Company GmbH Lecture | Katharina Ross, Stephanie Käseberg |
12.11. | Digital Humanities Lecture | Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lauer |
13.11. | Application Training after the PhD - Get that Job! Workshop | Andrew Cerniski |
14.11. | Master or career entry? Workshop | Andrea Braun, Jens Behrmann |
20.11. | Working in an advertising agency - Saatchi & Saatchi Lecture | Dirk Göbel |
02.11. | Working in Social Media - The Example of B. Braun Melsungen AG Lecture | Matthias Koslowski |
03.12. | Interpreting job advertisements Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
04.12. | Online application Workshop | Oliver Gall |
08.12. | Self-employment for artists and designers Workshop | Dr. Maria Kräuter |
09.12. | Basics of Press and Public Relations Workshop | Theresa Röschmann |
10.12. | Career planning for International Students Workshop | Robert Zaal |
19.01. | Application training for art students Workshop | Jens Behrmann |
19.01. | Working in an NGO - Save the Children |
20.01. | Trade union work - a dream job? Lecture | Sascha Wollert (IG Bau) |
24.03.- 26.03. | Basics of Event Management Workshop | Giorgos Kalaitzis |
Events summer semester 2014
06.05. | Working at UNESCO - Career Opportunities at a UN Organization Lecture | Dr. Roland Bernecker |
07.05. | Applying for Jobs in English-Speaking Countries Workshop | Andrew Cerniski M.A. |
08.05. | The Consumer Voice - Working in Consumer Protection Lecture | Eva Raabe |
13.05. | Research in Higher Education and Science as a Profession Lecture | Dr. André Donk |
14.05. | meet@uni-kassel 2014 Application Training Workshop | Oliver Gall M.A. |
15.05. | Career planning for international students Workshop | Robert Zaal |
20.05. | Creative industries as a profession Lecture | Andreas Schmidt |
21.05. | Professions in radio - the Hessian Broadcasting (hr) Lecture | Rainer Götze |
26.05. | Personnel management at Daimler AG Lecture| Hauke Schuler, Kerstin Burke |
27.05. | Success at work through soft skills Workshop| Petra Bücher |
04.06. | Adult education as a perspective Lecture| Regina Ibanek |
05.06. | The academic library - ways into the job Lecture| Dr. Thomas Bündgen |
11.06. | Job Market Environmental Protection | Natural Sciences Lecture | Krischan Ostenrath |
17.06. | Everyday life in international development work Workshop | Wolfgang Dewald |
23.06. | Something to do with politics? Working in the federal and state governments Lecture | Juliane Seifert |
24.06. | Try out job application situations live! Workshop | Barbara Valenti |
25.06. | Fundraising as a profession - more than collecting donations Workshop | Dr. Thomas Kräuter |
28.07. | Basics of Event Management Workshop | Giorgos Kalaitzis |
22.09. -25.09. | Online Journalism Workshop | Christian Stadali |
Events winter semester 2013/14
07.10.- 09.10. | Project management for humanities scholars Workshop | Dr. Dirk Schröter |
29.10. | Corporate Communications of the B.Braun Group Lecture | Dr. Bernadette Tillmanns-Estorf (B.Braun Melsungen AG) |
05.11. | Journalism - a dream job? Workshop | Dr. Susanne Stracke-Neumann |
06.11. | Applying for Jobs in English-Speaking Countries Workshop | Andrew Cerniski M.A. |
08.11. | Working for Greenpeace Lecture | Ingrid Meyer (Greenpeace Deutschland e.V.) |
14.11. | Your Job: The World - Working at the United Nations Lecture | Arne Molfenter (UNRIC) |
18.11. | Something with media? Working at the LPR Lecture | Michael Fingerling |
20.11. | Voice and career (a workshop for women) Workshop | Anna Heidrun Schmitt |
25.11. | Trying out job application situations live (for international students) Workshop| Barbara Valenti |
26.11. | Public relations - practical introduction Workshop| Christian Stadali |
02.12. | Foundations as employers- Volkswagen Foundation Lecture | Dr. Almut Steinbach (Volkswagen Foundation) |
05.12. | Protection by Patents, Trademarks and Designs Lecture | Norbert Völker (PIZ) |
16.12. | Career planning for graduates and doctoral students Workshop | Dr. Eva Reichmann |
20.01. | Political consulting as a profession Lecture | Dr. Alex Föller (de'ge'pol) |
21.01. | Working in publishing: Everyday life at Campus Verlag Lecture | Stefanie Evita Schaefer, Ute Hübel |
24.01. | Master's degree or career entry? |
30.01. | "Ways to a job" - Alumni report about their entry into professional life Lecture | Natalia Agafonova, Peter Carqueville (in cooperation with FB 02 and Alumni Service) |
30.01. | Online application (for all departments) Workshop | Oliver Gall |
30.03- 03.04 | Business Administration for Humanities Students Workshop | Dr. Dirk Schröter |