Psychology (Master)

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The Master's in Psychology offers a wide range of career opportunities and a high level of job security. The professional fields range from health psychology and counseling to business, politics, education, science and teaching, data science, the environment, law, transport and sport. Our graduates have in-depth expertise which, in addition to specialist psychological knowledge, includes comprehensive skills in scientific and critical thinking, statistics and communication skills, which can be used to successfully solve many individual-related and social problems.

The guiding principle is to impart up-to-date knowledge from a wide range of psychological sub-disciplines beyond the clinical-therapeutic sector. Students should get to know different professional fields and - depending on their interests - be able to work independently, e.g. in business, education, health, science and research.

In addition to psychological research methods, diagnostics, the basics of clinical psychology and science communication, the courses offered in Kassel include in-depth knowledge in four of five selectable specializations: "Advanced Research Methods and Statistical Computing", "Cognition, Education, Development", "Legal Psychology", "People, Work, Technology" and "Environmental Psychology". Specific aspects of the classical basic subjects of psychology are dealt with in depth within the focus areas and combined with practically relevant content.

The Master's degree course in Psychology comprises basic lectures, seminars, exercises, tutorials and colloquia. A special feature is the high proportion of research-oriented seminars in which students acquire and deepen their skills in the independent theoretical and empirical processing of research questions. In lectures and practice-oriented seminars, tutorials and an eight-week internship, students are also familiarized with the tasks, topics, processes and structures of various professional fields.

At a glance

Degree: Master of Science

Start: Winter semester

Language of instruction: German (predominantly), some contents are in English.

Duration/Scope: 4 semesters

Admission restriction (NC): Yes

Admission requirements

  • Degree in psychology or professionally equivalent university degree
  • Standard period of study of at least six semesters
  • Knowledge of the English language on level B2 (CEFR)

Applicants with certificates obtained in Germany can improve their grade for the admission procedure by 0.6 points. You can find a summary of the requirements for this under the frequently asked questions:

Application and enrollment procedure for the winter semester

Application with German certificates

Application deadline

annually 01.06. - 15.07.

You apply for this degree program via our online application portal "eCampus".

How do I apply for this study program?

Application with foreign certificates

Application deadline

with foreign certificates:
annually 01.03. - 15.07.

If you are not yet studying at the University of Kassel or another university in Germany, but have obtained a first professional Bachelor's degree abroad, you must apply via the central assessment office in Berlin, uni-assist.

How do I apply with a foreign certificate?

Information and advice

Information for applicants

You need information about our degree programmes and assistance with questions about admission requirements, deadlines and enrolment procedures.

Information for applicants: Contact us

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